Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gift Card Scavenger Hunt...and a surprise

One day mom worked from home and after school we decided to have some fun before volleyball so mom sent us on a gift card scavenger hunt.  The game was to go through her gift card envelope and stop and shop only at places she had gift cards to.  We could buy what we want as long as we did not spend any money...only gift cards!  We had a blast and found the most treasures at Michaels...even Christmas presents!

After shopping we decided to use a coupon and eat at Unforked.  As we sat down at our table we noticed people taking photos of tons and tons of menu items.  All of the sudden a man walked over to us (we were the only one's there for a very early dinner) and offer us our choice of free concretes.  It turns out they were photographing every single item on the menu for social media needs.  That man brought us TONS and TONS of free desserts....even a free salad to take home. 

What a fun day!


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