Sunday, August 29, 2021

Club VB offer weekend

Club Volleyball tryout season is stressful.  I knew I had a spot on HLA, but we didn’t know who else was going to commit to the team.

On the weekend of offers the coolest thing happened on Sunday:
1. Addison Bloor committed to HLA!
2. The Smiths, Bloors and us all met at Jalapeños  to celebrate
3. While at dinner we got notice that Alicia was not happy with her Mavs offer
4. We decided we would make signs and go to Alicia’s house to recruit her
5. We went to target to make signs
6.  We went to Alicia’s house snd stood on her yard chanting HLA- she committed on the spot!
7.  We hopped in the car and headed to another girls house and held signs in her yard.  She committed!
8. We hopped I. The car and headed to Jamie’s house snd held signs in her yard.  She committed!
9.  We headed to Coach David and Caitlins house with the new players!
10. Everyone celebrated!!!

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