Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gulf Shores: JUMPING!

One night we went to an area in Orange Beach called "The Wharf" to shop and explore.  We walked by these jumping trampoline things and I really wanted to do it.  Mommy and Daddy agreed and when daddy paid he really thought he would be out of the $7 and thought I would back out as it got closer to my turn.  I waited patiently in line and when it was my turn I was a bit nervous...I will explain it all in the pictures...

Here I am with my admission ticket...I was really excited!

When it was my turn daddy helped me up and I bounced a little while holding his hand!

Now I started to get a bit nervous as some strange boy was talking to me and getting ready to put some weird stuff around my body.

The strange boy is asking me questions and I am answering them, although I am feeling nervous and kinda shy.  I look at mommy, daddy, nama and papa and say (while I point to each of them) "You're funny, you're funny, you're funny, you're funny".  I am not sure what made me say that...must have been my nerves.

I am all strapped in and the strange boy is telling me something about heights and stuff...huh?

The strange boy has left for a second and I am feeling oddly excited and ready to do this thing!

The strange boy is back again and I look at mommy, daddy, nama and papa and say (while pointing to them) "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you".

The strange boy starts to pull on the bungee cords to test how I will like it.  I like it!

The strange boy asks if I want to go higher.  I say "yes"....

I go MUCH higher!  Whoa!

And then I go even higher!

Then  the strange boy asks me "do you want to test your fear of heights?" I do not know what that means, but I say yes and he flies me up even higher!!

It is so awesome!  I am screaming and giggling, daddy is cautiously video taping, mommy keeps snapping pictures, nama keeps laughing and laughing and papa keeps watching me in awe!

And then I practically touch the palm trees!  Daddy tells me to bring him down a coconut!

This is so awesome - I am a dare devil!


This was super awesome!

Can I do it again?

The strange boy gave me a coconut and we gave it to dad and told him I grabbed it right off the palm tree when I did my highest jump!!!
It turns out that I am crazy and that the strange boy that helped me was really cool!  He could not believe I was 4 and I did all that crazy stuff.  He said he has never seen anyone go as high as I did!  So much fun!

All night and the next day everyone kept thinking about what I did and kept laughing over and over again!

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