Tuesday, July 3, 2012

NOLA: Exploring the town

New Orleans was hot and humid, but still a fun way to end our vacation!  We spend Saturday (arrived at noon) through Sunday at noon there and did some exploring!

We went down Bourbon St during the day time.  We even ate at a good Mexican restaurant there!

We rode a street car - twice!

Played in the hotel room, rested and watched TV.  I loved playing hide and seek and jumping on the bed!  We even spent some time in the pool at the hotel!

We ate dinner at a pizza shop in the French Quarter and then headed to Jackson Square for more exploring.

We saw pretty buildings...

I thought this looked like one on The Princess and the Frog.  I did not see Tiana though.

I loved looking at all the gator stuff.  We even bought homemade pralines to take home!

Here is Jackson Square.  I saw a buy painted silver, one that looked kinda like a clown (mom said he was a jester) and heard lots of people playing music on the street.  We even saw lots of horses!

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