Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mommy's Birthday!

It was such a beautiful day on mommy's birthday that we played at the Farm!  The farm just opened so we had fun visiting all the animals for the first time of the year!  We saw it all and had lot of fun!

After the Farm we met Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley out for pizza to once again celebrate mommy's birthday!  I started to not feel well at dinner, so we left a bit early to go home and rest.  Turned out I had a stomach bug that hit me hard for about 4 days!

The other night I fell asleep at 5pm at Nama's house (I was not feeling good). Mommy picked me up and I woke up grouchy for a few minutes, but fell back asleep in the car.  She carried me inside and I woke up for a few minutes, but fell right back asleep a few minutes later.  Then she carried me to bed and I woke up for a few more minutes, but quickly fell right back to sleep.  It turned out I did not wake up until 8:45 the next morning!  I slept OVER 15 hours!!!!  It was the longest I have ever slept!  I needed it!  I feel better now, phew! 


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