Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kindergarten Roundup!

I had kindergarten roundup on Friday! Mommy and I went to my school at 9am.  She got to go to the library with the adults while I got to go with the kids to a real kindergarten classroom with the teachers!

As they were lining us up to go downstairs mommy asked if I wanted her to wait with me.  I said "If you want to.  You don't have to."  Mommy can't believe what a big girl I am.  She left me there to line up with the teachers and she headed to the library to hear all about the fees and forms she has to fill out.

I went downstairs where we played in a classroom.  We did blocks, colored and did some other fun things.  I was so excited that my best friend from preschool, Addison, will be going to my school.  She is doing half day and I am doing full day, but we will still be at school together some of the day!  Maybe she will be in my class in the 1st grade!

I can't believe I am all ready for kindergarten!!!


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