Sunday, April 14, 2013

Taylor's Princess Birthday party!

My friend Taylor (from school) had her 5th birthday party yesterday and it was a princess party!  We each got to dress up in our favorite princess costume and play, play, play!  The party was at her house and it was one of the best parties I have EVER been at!

First, ALL my friends from class were there (Addison, Taylor, Hadley, Addi and Landry)!!!!  Second, Princess Rapunzel came to visit and surprise us was AMAZING!  We played freeze dance, popped bubbles with her, went on a treasure hunt and even got our faces painted by Rapunzel!  It was so cool!  After all the party fun and cake, we even got to see Taylor's bedroom and play a bit downstairs!

I did not want it to end! 

p.s. mommy stayed with me at this party (lots of mom's do), but when she asked me if I wanted her to stay I told her she did not have to.  I think we may give it a try next time!

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