Friday, July 25, 2008

Peek A Boo!!!

I did peekaboo by myself for the first time this morning! Mommy was pretty slow moving to get the camera and I was a bit tired of peekaboo once she came back but she was able to capture a bit of it. Hope you enjoy...I can't wait to play peekaboo with you next time I see you!




Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Dress!

One of my mommy's best friends Dawnielle got me 2 of the prettiest dresses! I love to wear them because people tell me I look really cute in them!! Thank you so much Miss Dawnielle, Mr. Dave, Aubrey and Luke!!! Did I mention I love pretty things!?!

Here I am playing in my excersaucer...I love this thing! It can keep me entertained for minutes!! You should see my cousin Tom's cool! I wish he lived in Kansas so he could share it with me all the time!!




Pictures from the Road Trip!!

I had to publish the pics separate from the videos for some strange are some fun pictures from our fun week!!




P.S. I think I will be up all night!!!! Hope mom and dad are prepared!

Road Trip!!!

This week Mom, Aunt Jenny and I went on a road trip to Dallas to visit Uncle Tom, Aunt Carolyn and cousin Tom (and Boomer and Bailey)!! It was so much fun. Mom and Aunt Jenny said I did really good during the 8 hour drive (well, the drive took 8 hours with a feeding stop and a changing stop...I pooped my diaper 10 minutes after the feeding stop so we had to stop again)! We got to stay at Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Tom's new beautiful house! I just loved it! Tom even has his own playroom...super cool!

I was so excited because we got to play with Grandpa while we were there! He was in Dallas for business but came earlier so he could see all of us! He was so excited to have his grandkids and kids all in the same place! He is so much fun and give such great horsey rides!!! I am so glad we got to play with him!! He even made really good steaks for dinner! I love my grandpa! After dinner we went to the pool. It is a really neat pool with a fountain I am fascinated with! I could stare at that thing for hours!

Monday we all went shopping at a fun outdoor mall. Dallas is sure hot in the summer, but mom and my Aunts made sure we went into lots of shops and walked in the shade to stay cool! My only disappointment was that mom did not buy me anything on this trip...what kind of a vacation is that? Mom and Aunt Jenny were shocked that I would not sleep. I had such a fun day I was too excited to sleep and I wanted to play with Tom! I stayed up until after midnight and then woke up all night long to make sure everyone was okay and still in the room with me!!! I did not get much sleep...mommy and Aunt Jenny looked a little tired too!

I had so much fun playing with my cousin Tom. It is so neat that we are so close in age! I loved to hold his hand and stare at him when he played! He has such fun toys that he was nice enough to share with me! I got to ride Bailey like she was a horse....she is such a big dog! I love Bailey and Boomer!

Tuesday we went to the Little Gym and got to work out where Tom goes a few times a week. It was a little crazy at first and Aunt Jenny could not stop laughing at all the crazy moms and the instructor, but once we got the hang of it it was so much fun! I learned how to do a flip with the help of the teacher, played with bubbles and balls and did all sorts of exercises! We all got such a great work out! I worked up a sweat - if I keep this up my chubby legs will be no longer!!

We went to Fort Worth Tuesday afternoon and ate at a really tasty Mexican restaurant and did a little shopping. Mom finally bought me something!! She got me a cute little pink tutu that she says I will get my picture in! It is pretty cute, but its not a toy! I really want some fun toys like cousin Tom!!

Each night Uncle Tom came home and we got to eat and play with him! He is really funny and I loved to watch him play with cousin Tom!!! He gives good kisses too. I love my Uncle Tom!

Wednesday we got up really early and headed to Dallas. We got to see where they lived before they moved into there house and drive around and looked at all the pretty HUGE homes! We did some shopping and ate lunch at a really tasty Italian restaurant. We even got to go to Sprinkles cupcakes and eat some yummy sweets! That night my Dad came into town!!! Uncle Tom picked him up from the airport and we met them at a Mexican restaurant (Daddy's favorite). It was so cool to see him - I missed him so much! We got to play and catch up...I even tried to tell him about all we did while we were there!!

We came home today. I slept about 5 of the 8 hour drive and am energized right now!!! I had so much fun! Vacations are just a blast...I can't wait until my next one!!!

Love you!




Here are some fun videos:

Aunt Jenny teaching me to sit up!!!

At the gym for a workout!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Mom and Dad say you all got to take a look at my legs...adorable they says!!




Boy do I love popsicles! They are sugarfree, but oh so good!




Saturday, July 12, 2008


Last night we went to a party at the Anderson's!! It was so much fun! Mr. Chris made pulled pork and ribs and everyone brought such great food - mommy and daddy said they ate way too much!! I got to play with all my friends!! Sydney, Michael and there were some other little friends there I got to meet! Mommy and Daddy always have so much fun with there friends! I hope when I get big I will have such great friends!! My best friend Sydney and I will have to have our kids play together too!! Maybe we will even invite our mom and dad's!! How much fun!!

Baby Bella!

My best friend Sydney told me about a new baby doll she was given as a gift and told me I would love it just as much as she does!!! Mommy bought it for me and Sydney was right - I just love my baby doll!! I named her baby bella and she is so soft and pretty. I like to chew on her hands and give her kisses!! She is just about as big as me, but mommy said I will be getting bigger and soon Bella will be little to me! I love her!


Royals Game

This week Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa Horton and I all went to a Royals game! It was my second baseball game, but first time to see the Royals...they lost but it really did not matter. It was really fun! Mom, Dad and Grandpa really watched the game closely - I think it was because we sat so close (2nd row along the first base line) and there were so many foul balls hit our way!! I think they were nervous wrecks!! Mom was so focused on the hitters she barely remembered to take any pictures of me!!! There are a few to check out though! We only stayed until the 6th inning because I was getting really hot and my teeth were hurting me! We all had so much fun and I can't wait to go back!




Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting Bigger!

I am getting really big! Mom and Dad were shocked to see that my feet touch the ground in the excersaucer - they did not touch just last week! I am definately teething and I drool (I go through about 3 bibs a day), suck my tongue and anything else I can get in my mouth all the time. Sometimes I get a bit fussy because my gums hurt! I wonder when I will get my first tooth? I know my Daddy starting teething when he was 4 months old but did not get his first tooth until he was 8 1/2 months - this could be a long process!!
I love to play with all my toys and giggle a lot at anyone who makes me laugh! I can pet Murphy and she loves to give me kisses!
I still love the song "Snuggle Puppy" and get a big smile whenever Mommy sings it. I love when Daddy and I sing "the Wheels on the Bus" - Daddy is so much fun! I still love all my toys, but I am getting a bit sick of my swing - it just does not entertain me like it used too - I think Mom and Dad are upset about that (something about no longer having peaceful lunches and dinners)!! I can sit up by myself when I am leaning up against things too!
I am getting so big and change every day!

Older Man

As you all know, the American Idol David Cook was my first crush...but now I think I am looking at boys closer to my age. I still like older men, so Leyton Wasserkrug fits the bill. He is a really cute 8 month old friend of mine and the first little boy I have met besides my cousin Tom! We had lots of fun playing this weekend at his house. He is so talented and can already crawl and roll all around! I was so intrigued by his mobility and red hair! We played together and even got to go outside and play on the blanket on the grass!! We blew bubbles and giggled together! We are gong to be good is so fun that mommy and daddy have friends with little boys and girls my age! It will be so fun to play with them!!




Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Trick!!

I just discovered my voice and I can scream and make some loud noises! Everyone laughs when I do it because it is so cute, but mom and dad tell me I can't do it in public. i don't understand why they do not want strangers to laugh too! I bet i can make a whole restaurant of people happy and laugh at me!! After all, I hear I am kinda cute!!

Take a listen!!!




My First 4th of July!!

I celebrated my first 4th of July with my first trip to Pittsburg and Parsons, Kansas! I got to spend a lot of time with the my Daddy's family! We started the day with going to my Grandma and Grandpa Horton's. Grandma and Grandpa babysat me while Mommy and Daddy went out to lunch at one of Daddy's favorite places to eat lunch in Pittsburg: The Mall Deli - then went to some stores in the mall to buy Daddy some tennis shoes! It was the first time Mommy and Daddy have gone out to eat by themselves since I was born. It seems like they had a lot of fun although they came home and gave me lots of hugs and kisses!

Then we got in the car and went to Parsons, KS where my Great Grandma and Grandpa Horton live! It was so much fun to meet them. They held me and played with me - Daddy said I was such a good girl! I did not cry once and was very nice to everyone who held me! I got to meet my Great Aunt Cathy, cousin Ben, Danielle, Aiden, Great Aunt Teresa, Great Uncle Mike too! It was so much fun! Great Grandma made lots of good treats for everyone - cake, cookies, pie and ice cream!! She is a wonderful cook and mom and dad seemed to enjoy it all!! I can't wait to see them all again real soon!!

After that Grandma and Grandpa Horton, Mom, Dad and I all went to Daddy's other favorite place to eat in Pittsburg....Cafe Del Rio!! Mexican, of course, and like always Dad loves his Mexican food!! Wonder if I am going to like Mexican food? If not Daddy will be so sad!! Maybe I will like Chinese food with mom - then she would have someone to eat it with her!!

We then got to visit and play with Great Grandma and Grandpa Bradfield! They came over and held me and gave me lots of kisses! I love seeing them because they are so nice to me and love me so much!! I can't wait for them to visit me in Kansas City again - Great Grandma said it may be soon!

We had a long day, but no 4th of July would be complete without fireworks (or so I was told)!! On our way out of town Daddy pulled over near the golf course and we had front row seats to the Pittsburg fireworks! It was so neat to hear all the loud pops and see the pretty colors in the sky! Murphy was with us and she was pretty scared since we were so close so then we drove a little further away so the noise wasn't as loud! I love fireworks! Maybe I will have some at my wedding one day - I am sure Daddy would not mind paying for them since I like them so much!!

We drove home and I slept the entire way! I was so tired from playing all day that I did not get out of bed until 10:30 this morning!! It was pretty crazy!!


