Saturday, October 18, 2008

Standing Video...

Here I am standing all by myself!!

Here I am crawling backwards!

I can do all of this:

Stand holding on to someone or something, play peek-a-boo, wave, clap my hands, give "five", crawl backwards, pull up into a sitting position from my stomach, pull into a standing position from sitting. I love to say: Momma, Dada, baba, Poop, boo and some other stuff no one else understands but me! I should say however that I do not really do anything on command...just when I want! hahahaha!!!




Hello Everyone!

It has been about a week since I have posted pictures and video, so today is the day! I had a really busy week. My Grandpa Fimmen moved back to Kansas City and I am so happy! We went over to G'ma and G'pa's house to welcome him home last Sunday - he drove all the way from Massachusetts's to be here! We have a fun dinner and I got to play with him! I just love staring at him!!

I am a really inquisitive baby and love to stare at people and things to figure them all out! I can get really wild too. Lately I have been making monster sounds and they make everyone laugh so hard! I learned how to crawl backwards and just today I learned how to lift myself back up into a sitting position from a crawling position and laying on my belly! I am so strong! It will be any day that I am crawling all over the place. Today mom and dad are starting to baby proof the house! It is so fun because they think I amn in one place but I trick them and move somewhere else! Our house has such fun things I want to play with - I can't wait to have freedom and crawl anywhere I want!!

Grandma Fimmen got me a walker to play with at her house! I am not that tall and can't get it to move everywhere, but I can tell it will be one of my favorite toys soon! I can't wait to roll all over that house! Grandma has a big bouncy ball at her house that I love to crawl on and bounce on - so much fun!

I have so much fun pulling myself up on everything to stand! It is such a fun new trick that I want to stand all the time, after all, I have laid around for almost 8 months! My teeth are still bothering me a lot! I just want all of them to grow in already! I heard that I will not get them all until I am around 2 - no fair!

Well, I better go take a nap, I am getting a bit grouchy!


