Sunday, October 31, 2010


I'm a WITCH!


I love my fort so much! Nama Vicki and Papa Dick got it for me for Christmas last year and I have always played in it, but now that I am older I really love it! It is where the Prince and Princesses live, where I drive to, where I pretend to sleep, where I put my little pillow, where my soft doggy lives and an all around fun place to play!

Potty Chart

When I was potty training mommy got me a potty chart for when I went poop. Every time I went poop I got to put a sticker on the Disney Princess potty chart. I have been potty trained for a really long time but I still LOVE the potty chart! Good thing mommy bought stickers because I still like to put them on after I go poop. In fact, during my bedtime procrastination I ALWAYS ask to go potty “one more time” and by some miracle always manage to push out at least one poop so I can put a sticker on the potty chart! Look at how many I have!!


Last Christmas mommy and daddy got me a Cinderella doll that is just my size. I thought it was pretty cool back then (when I was still kinda a baby), but now I think it is totally cool! Since I love Princesses SO much this “just my size” Cinderella is so fun to play with – we dance, we sing, we walk and do so much together!

Halloween Pictures!


Papa's Party

This weekend we had a birthday party for Papa! I helped Nama make him an apple pie! We all had pizza, played, opened presents and sang happy birthday (I love that song)! I was so excited to give Papa his present that I was jumping up and down and all over the place (I even did ""EXCITED")! I got him a boxcar for his train set...a Wizard of Oz boxcar since he always calls me Dorothy!

New Cousin!

I am happy to announce that I have a BRAND NEW cousin! Matthew Walter Fimmen was born TODAY and I can not wait to meet him! He is so lucky because his birthday is on Halloween! Nama and Papa drove down today to meet him and to play with Tom and Meghan! I am really excited to have another boy cousin! I love you already Matt!


I had such a fun day today! We played, watched some football (go Chiefs...they won AGAIN), took a nap and then had a Halloween party and trick or treating! Anna, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick all came over for a catered BBQ dinner and fun!

For months I had planned on being a witch and even told mommy I wanted her to paint my face green, but at the last minute (a few days ago) I decided I wanted to be Snow White! Mommy was super happy we already had a cool Snow White costume so I was set! I was a super duper cute Snow White today! I will post some pictures later, but TRUST ME!!

Anna Banana was a.....Banana and it was so cute! You will not believe it but Uncle Rob was a bunch of grapes and Aunt Jenny was a red apple! They were a fruit salad and I thought it was really funny!

We went to the neighborhood Halloween parade and I got to show off my costume and see what all the other kids were wearing. I was super disturbed my a scary Bones costume that kept bleeding on this kids face! I kept having to remind myself it was pretend, but I talked about it all night - even at bedtime. I hope I do not have nightmares!

We went trick or treating and I loved it! I said trick or treat and then said think you as I got my loot! Once we got home we got to have lots of goodies!

I was super lucky because Nama Vicki stayed over at my house really late and I got to play with her! I stayed up late tonight...I LOVE doing that!

Happy Halloween everyone!