Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cheer Performance!

Tonight I performed at the Merriam Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.  We were the opening act and boy did we draw a crowd!  I really love performing and doing my dances and cheers.  Mommy, Daddy, Nama and Papa all came to watch and cheer me on!  They all said what a great job I did and how much I keep improving!  This time I knew most of the moves, smiled most of the time and looked like I was having a really fun time (because I was)!

After our performance I participated in the candy cane hunt and got some goodies!  Then we went to Nama and Papa's for a yummy steak dinner!  It was a really fun and festive night...not to mention beautiful...about 65 degrees!!


Luminary walk!

Last night Nama, Mommy, aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley and I all went to the Arboretum for the Luminary Walk.  It was so neat!  They has little lights lit EVERYWHERE and you walked along these paths with all the looked like a movie!  We walked and walked, had apple cider, took at peak at Santa (but did not want to stand in the line), saw the choo choo train and just had a great time!

It was such a beautiful evening that most of overland park was there, but it wasn't too crowded once you got it!  It was a night to remember and one we will have to take the boys too next year.  This year Daddy and Papa went to the KU basketball game and Uncle rob was doing something with the church.

It is definitely a holiday tradition!



My Elf of the Shelf, Cogsworth, has been busy hiding in all sorts of funny and crazy spots this year.  One day I woke to find him drinking wine, he has been riding our train, riding an angel, and here he is eating all my old Halloween candy...he even bit into the Milky Way bar.  CRAZY elf!


I am really into making craft projects lately and have lots of great ideas!  This week Nama and I made this Christmas tree all out of is SO awesome AND you can eat it!  Simply the best craft project ever!

Fimmen Thanksgiving!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving at Nama and Papa's house!  Papa, Daddy and I played cards, we had happy hour and watched football and then played, played, played once Anna and Ashley came over!!

Nama made a wonderful dinner and yummy desserts and then we played some more!  Anna, Ashley and I even got our very own kid wine and got to make a toast!!  We even all got to Skype the Fimmen was so fun to see and talked to everyone!

I love the holidays with our family!


Pittsburg Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Pittsburg the day before Thanksgiving and really had fun!  We celebrated at Gigi and Gipa's house and I was a big help and helped Gipa set the table...I even gave everyone 2 cups (just like at a restaurant - one for water and one for another drink)!

My Daddy's cousin and his family came to celebrate too and Lucy, Josie and I had so much fun playing!  We played house, games and I even taught her cheer leading! 

That night we stayed the night at Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's house and I got to stay up as late as Nama Vicki...and that is late! We watched Home Alone 1 that night and then woke up and watched Home Alone 2 together!  It was so much fun.  I LOVE Pittsburg!


Pittsburg Parks!

Last week we went to Pittsburg to celebrate Thanksgiving. They have some really nice parks in Pittsburg and we were lucky enough to have a beautiful day to get to go and play at 2 of them!!!

I love a nice fall day at the park playing!

Diva Day!!

Anna, Ashley and I went and had a Diva Day and had a wonderful girls day!  We got our nails painted, our hair done and we got all glittered up!  We looked like princesses and divas!  Thanks Nama Vicki for the Groupon!

After our time at the beauty shop we all went out to lunch and had a great time sharing a huge lunch!  Mommy and Aunt Jenny ordered way too much food!!!!
