Sunday, February 19, 2012

My day!!

Since today is my birthday I was able to choose anything I wanted to do. We started the day with present opening and then Ashley's birthday party. After that we did not have any plans, so I decided we should go to Oak Park Mall!!! I wanted to get the free mini Build a Bear t-shirts to fit my Happy Meal Bears PLUS, there is a carousel, the Disney store and American Girl store!

Here I am super excited standing in line for the carousel!!

I choose to ride on the Panda Bear on the 2nd level! I wanted to be up high!
Funny picture of Daddy down below watching us!

Mommy and me!

Up I go!!

Here I am in the American Girl store. I found twins just like Thomas and Julie!

Look, I can get an outfit just like Julie's..super cool (although mom wasn't jumping at the idea of me and my doll dressing alike...weird)!

As we were leaving the mall I started to not feel well again and became VERY tired. Once we got home and into jammies I tried to take a nap, but couldn' we just cuddled and watched movies.

I had a WONDERFUL 4th birthday!

Thank you everyone for making it SO special!




Ashley is 1!!!

Today was Ashley's 1st birthday party and boy was it fun! We played games (pin the caterpillar on the leaf), did crafts (colored and made our own butterfly masks), helped Ashely open presents and ate really yummy food! Here are some pictures!

The "birthday party girl". Aunt Jenny kept calling Ashley that and me the "birthday girl" since today is my birthday!

Butterfly masks!

Craft time!

Mommy had me take some "I am 4 now" pictures!

I really had fun making my mask!

Ashley was really into her birthday cards!

We were all playing the game!

Posing...I am 4!

Aunt Jenny is twirling me before I pinned my caterpillar!

Anna is getting twirled!

Happy Birthday to me. Aunt Jenny had everyone sing it 4 times since I am 4!!

Blowing out my candle!!!

They lit my candle again and sang it again!!!

It was a FUN party!




The Very Hungry Caterpillar!!!

Today was Ashley's 1st birthday party and the theme was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar! Aunt Jenny is a fabulous party planner and crafter extraordinaire! Take a look at all the cool stuff she did for the party!!!

Pictures of Ashley posted each month mounted on the fireplace...

An AMAZING caterpillar made out of tissue paper Aunt Jenny made all by herself!
Dessert bar!

Dinner table with balloon bouquet!

Panini bar with adorable tags telling you what the food was...all in Hungry Caterpillar theme!


Panini bar!

Gift station!

Hungry Caterpillar pin the tail game!

It was such a creative and memorable party!




February 19th!!

Today is such a WONDERFUL day! It is the day I turned 4! I can't hardly believe the day is here! I was walking up the stairs this morning by myself and kept repeating over and over..."I am 4, I am 4, I am 4". When mommy saw me at the top of the stairs I said to her "but, I don't look like I am 4!"

We started our day off perfectly and I got to open my presents from mom and dad!! After that we went to Ashley's 1st birthday party, then to Oak Park mall to get my free Build a Bear t-shirt for a bear and to go on the carousel. What a fun day!!

Here I am getting ready to open my presents...

I got such great presents...a plasma car, pjs, clothes, nail polish (pink and purples), a jewelry box filled with jewelry, Innotab cartridges for my kid ipad and 3 Disney Princess Animator dolls (Aurora, Rapunzel and Snow White)!

I already LOVE being 4!





Can you believe it? This is my 900th blog posting!! I wonder how many posts I will have in my blogging life?? We will see! hope you enjoy receiving the posts as much as I enjoy posting them!

Ice Cream Party Details...

I have always had my birthday parties at my house. I love parties at my house but this year we decided we would try something different and have an out of home party. Just when we started to think of ideas a Groupon for a Ben & Jerry's ice cream party for 15 people became available and we picked it right up and scheduled out fun party! Then, one night we were eating pizza at our favorite local pizza joint (Johnny Bruscoe's) and noticed they had a new party room, so we booked that for after. Dessert before dinner...just how I like it!!

We found a woman on that made us this ice cream party invitation template and mommy had the invitation printed at (with her 50% discount...of course)!

Here are the invitations. I even had a picture of me on the back at Winstead's drinking (actually pretending to drink) a chocolate milk shake!

The party was at Ben & Jerry's at 135th and Metcalf in their party room. The party room was so cute with bright colors on the walls, cute mini tables and even a chalk board that took up the entire wall!
Mom had a little candy table set up full of lots of goodies...

Another table had cupcakes, waters and the party favors. This was also the table we decorated our ice cream cones, so we had to leave some space for that!

Some of the party cream cone cookie cutters! With a little thank you tag that said "Thanks for making my party so SWEET! Love, Kate"

Water bottles with pink damask labels that said "Kate is 4!"

Mom made vanilla cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting. Each cupcake had a little marshmallow ice cream cone on top!

The party table!

Ice cream cone balloons!

We also put a balloon at each chair!

This is the party favor for the kids. In it was a homemade chocolate dipped rice krispie lollipop shaped like an ice cream cone that mom and I made, a heart bracelet from Target Dollar Spot, a homemade ice cream cone necklace with pretty crystals that mom ordered from in a ceramic ice cream dish (shaped like a waffle cone) from Hallmark!

Mom had bought paper ice cream cups from World Market a few years ago and they were FINALLY put to good use. This one has ice cream cone shaped marshmallows mom just found at Walmart in the Easter section!

Yummy gum drops in this one. The others had kettle corn, mustard pretzels and lemon drops!

Here is a close up of the rice krispie pop! The adults even got these!

A framed invitation!

I am 4! The "4" candle is from Target!

The annual cupcake inflatable I take my birthday picture by every year. This year it came with us out of the house!

Ben & Jerry's has such a cool party room with fun makes a party so festive!

We made birthday party hats out of headbands, sugar cones, streamers and a spray on top!

Ice cream cone centerpieces...

A little note on the chalkboard...courtesy of Aunt Jenny!

Here is the sign that Ben & Jerry's posted in the entrance so all my party guest would know just where to go!!!

It was such a fun party with so may fun crafts....most if them as ideas spurred from mommy's new We will have to search Pinterest for our next party ideas!


