Monday, August 8, 2011

Cheetos - part 2

Guess what? I went to Walmart this morning before work and got my phone!! Hee Hee...I win, Cheetos and a PHONE!!

I wonder what lesson that just taught me??? Hmm.....heehee!!!


Last night mommy and I had a girls night as Daddy and Papa Dick went to a concert. All day long (and the night before) I had talked about how much I wanted the Rapunzel phone we saw at Walmart. Since I was such a good girl at the wedding and the drive to and from Pittsburg mom and dad said they would get it for me. I was SO excited yesterday that I could not stop talking about it. After my nap it was even the very first thing I asked about.

Once Daddy left for the night mommy and I went to Walmart to get it. I was SO excited. It was the first thing we picked out (by the cash register). I played and played with it at the store while we did the rest of our shopping.

When we went to pay for it and were standing in line I saw a $.30 bad of Cheetos (it was a lunch box sized bag - really small). Well, I wanted them SO bad! I begged and begged mom and she kept saying no. She finally told me I could get 1 thing - the phone I has been wanting SO bad and talking about for days of the teeny tiny bag of $.30 Cheetos.

Guess what???? I chose the Cheetos!

That is right, mom and the guy at the check out thought I was CRAZY, but that is what I decided.

I LOVED every last bite (and licks of my orange fingers)!

Mommy and I kept laughing about it all night....I picked Cheetos that are all gone OVER a phone I could have had for a long time.

Hee Hee!


I almost forgot to tell you....

When we were in Pittsburg the other day we were getting ready to go to the wedding. Daddy, Mommy and Papa were getting in the car and I was in my car seat. Nama Vicki went through the garage door to lock the house and yelled to Papa Dick that there was a snake in the garage! I asked mommy to take me out of my car seat to see it. She and I were standing by the car (she was holding me) and Papa Dick took a broom and pushed the yucky green and black snake out of the garage and into the bushes! Mommy freaked out (because we were kinda close) and SCREAMED!!! It made me laugh! I am glad I got to see the snake and even more glad it did not get us!
