Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wonder why...

I was so scared this year...
- 2009 Santa (looks like Santa got a makeover)!

And not last year....that Santa was creepy!!

- 2008 Santa

Needless to say, Mommy and Daddy have decided to take me to the expensive Santa next year again and not the creepy mall one like we did last year!


Can't you tell...

Mom and Dad took me to a photographer who does Santa pictures in one day! Aunt Jenny and Anna met us there and I was really excited. I ate lots of fun treats while I waited. I even wore my headband for Santa to see! BUT...when it was my turn and I saw Santa I kinda freaked out!! I said..."mommy, mommy, mommy" over and over and when they put me next to Santa I lost it! They said Santa left the room, but I knew he was right behind me!! He can't trick me! Daddy got the whole thing on video if you want to see it....everyone seemed excited to watch it! I do LOVE Santa though...did you see my shirt?!