Thursday, December 9, 2010


The other day at Nama's house I came out of the playroom telling Nama "you know, I am very concerned (it was about something in the playroom). Nama was so shocked I used the word concerned the right way!

1 turd

I am a tricky and very smart kiddo. I do not like bedtime. In fact, if I had it my way we would stay up so late that we would all just fall asleep in mommy and daddy's bed while watching a movie or reading a book.

We have our standard bedtime routine: read books, brush teeth, potty, cuddle for a few minutes and then bedtime. Every night for the past 3 weeks once we go through the normal routine and mommy is cuddling with me in my bed I tell her "I have to go potty"..of course she takes me AGAIN because she is afraid I will potty in the bed. Every night I manage to squeeze out 1 turd...and do you know why?? If I poop I still get to put a Princess sticker on the potty chart (although I am way past potty training)...and guess what - this PROLONGS bedtime even MORE! as I must slowly and thoughtfully pick out the best princess sticker and then must even more thoughtfully determine the best place to put her on the potty chart!

I am a GENIUS!


"I am confused" I said today to mommy as I was looking at the Kmart ad. "Here is the princesses, but the Princess Tiana bed is over here (on another page). Mommy was so surprised I used the word "confused" the right way.

Note from my teachers

"Kate is a very caring child. She gets upset when our new boy gets upset. We are working with her that she does not need to cry just because he is."

Very caring Kate