Sunday, April 22, 2012


Here is the artwork I did at school this week!

A butterfly (mommy framed this one in our kitchen)!
This is a book I made and even stapled!  I colored the front....
...and even wrote in the book!

Royals Game!

Last night Mommy, Daddy, Nama, Papa, Uncle Bob, Uncle Rob, Anna and I all went to the Royals game and it was SO MUCH FUN!  I had a blast eating lots of yummy (not so healthy) foods, walking around, playing and watching (a little of ) the game! 

The Royals are not good at all, but somehow we managed to win a free Sonic Cherry Slush and free tacos from Tace Bueno (all free promotions)!  The coolest part was when we left we each got a free taco coupon, but then a guy came up to me and gave me a HUGE stack of them...then since everyone could tell how excited I was to get free tacos...strangers starting giving me their free taco coupons...I even found some free taco coupons on the ground and I would run up and add them to my pile.  I thought it was SO COOL!  I would giggle each time I found more and then hide my HUGE pile behind my back so no one would take them and maybe people would offer me more!  All in all I got 23 free taco coupons!!  HEEHEE!  All I had to do then was figure out where a Taco Bueno was!  :)


Sydney & Ella

Yesterday Sydney and Ella came over to play because their mommy and daddy had to go to a funeral.  I could not stay and play the whole time they were at out house because I swimming, but I got to play for a bit!  Here we are playing "Pretty Pretty Princess"!

I can't wait for them to come over and again soon!!  I LOVE playing with them!