Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fancy Dinner!

Tonight Nama, Papa, Gigi, mommy and I all went to Sullivan's for a fancy dinner!  We all got dressed up and had a great time!  I got really hot (take a look at my red cheeks), so thank goodness I had a tank top on...I acted like it was SUMMER!

Everyone's dinner was really yummy!  I had a Cesar salad and was too full for my mac 'n cheese!  We ate and ate until we were too stuffed for dessert!!
Merry Christmas!!!


Letter to Santa!

Tonight we went to Macy's to mail my letter to Santa. We do this every year and I love to do it...I always make sure my letter went all the way in the mailbox and check to see how many other letters have been mailed!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


Shopping fun!

Tonight Nama, mommy and I went shopping to get us in the Christmas spirit before meeting Papa and Gigi out to Sullivan's for a fancy dinner!  Daddy and Papa Dick were at the KU game and missed out on all our fun!

We went to Town Center and to 119th shops and had LOTS of fun!


More pictures from dance class this week....


Please don't let this be the last year....

Kate came home from school this week and told Nama that Dante told her that Santa was not real and that he was just a person dressed up.  Hmm...asshole!  Mom said that Kate thought really hard about it, but after she explained it to her she went away knowing Santa is real.

I asked her about it that night ans she sort of blew it off.  I explained that some of the Santa's at the mall, etc are Santa's helpers and she understood that.

Later I asked her if she wanted to go to Von Mauer this weekend to see Santa. She said, "No, he is not the real one.  I only want to see the real Santa."

I told her we see the real Santa every year and that she already has seen him.  So, no Von Mauer for us...only real Santa's for Kate. Very sad that she is getting so big!

Hope this is not the last year she 100% believes!!!

Gift wrapper!!

I love helping mom wrap Christmas gifts!!!!


This week at dance adults were allowed to come in and watch.  Nama, Dad and mom came and watched!  We did some holiday dances and then showed everyone our moves we are learning!  After we even got to pick out our 2 costumes for the recital...SO AWESOME!! 


Gipa Larry

Gipa Larry and I exchange mail and each time he puts in a math homework assignment.  This time he even graded my assignment and then on the back of it put more problems!  He always has tricky one's in there to trick me!!  I love that we do this!
