Sunday, November 22, 2015

School conferences

Mom had my conference with Mrs. Maher this past week and it was an awesome conference!  She said that I am in advanced reading and reading really well!  My fluency is off the charts!  I read 105 words per minute.  They often have concern with kids that read that fast because they are afraid they do not comprehend it, but I do!!  Yea me!

I am also doing great in math! The bottom timed test was my last evaluation.  They wanted me to get a 50% grade to be in track and I got a 97%!!

My MAP scores have also improved greatly from first grade!  This is a good year!

Mrs. Maher said I am a sweet girl and am a bit quiet in large groups.  She said she has to push me to try to answer when I am not 100% sure if the answer.  All things I am working on!  She did say that I contribute well in smaller groups....that is when I feel most comfortable!

Mom and dad were very proud of me!!


Classroom fun

Here is some work I do in my home classroom.  I was pretending to be a teacher!


I wrote this story...


Pre-competitive swim!!

Last week at swim I was asked if I wanted to join Midwest Aquatics pre-competitive swim team class as I decided to try it out tonight!  The kids in my class are a lot bigger than me, but I sure learned a lot!  I even dive off the starting block for the first time!  It was one long hour of swim!  They had us going laps all night long!!  I love swim!


Dinner with the family!!!

Last night we had a fun impromptu dinner at the Stilley's.  Nama, Papa, Gigi and Uncle Bob and all of us had lots of fun eating, dancing, playing and performing!  We had to show Uncle Bob how to whip a Nae Nae!!
