Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm a WALKER!!!

I have been taking little steps here and there....but today is the official day I am a walker! I can walk halfway across the is really fun! I love to see everyone's expression and love it when they cheer me on!! "YEH Kate"!!

Some other fun stuff I do not know if you know about...

  • I climb stairs
  • I can sound like a doggie, a fishie, a lion and kinda like a cow!
  • I can eat big girl food and am getting pretty sick of soft baby food!
  • I love the outdoors! It has been really nice outside the past few days, so Grama and I have spent most our time outside...and I just love it! We had a picnic today!
  • Unlike my mommy, I LOVE bananas!! I take big bites of them! Mom said banana's are a food Grama and Daddy have to feed me!
  • I love mac and cheese...the best food ever invented! It is a carb (my favorite) with a really fun bright orange sauce on it! Mmmmm!!!
  • I love playing with my Little People
  • I still love Baby Bella and Glow (my glow worm)
  • When I go to bed I like to go down with one paci in my mouth, one paci in my right hand and one paci in my left hand! So cool!
  • I love it when mom and dad turn the interior lights on and off in the car
  • I still love the song "the wheels on the bus"
  • I love to throw things behind the dresser and say "uh oh" every time I do it. Poor mom has to pull the entire dresser away from the wall to pick up what I dropped. It is so amusing!
  • I have to point to my big pictures of me in the hall on the way to my bedroom and mom says "Kate", "Kate", "Kate", "Kate", "Kate"....I love to do the same things over and over. Routine in neat!
  • Every morning when mom and dad drop me off at Grama and Grandpa's I do the same thing....I tell Grama her coffee is "hot", I point to the pictures on the refridgerator, I stop and see what is on Sesame Street, I say "bye-Bye" to mom and dad (and they try to get me to give them kisses) and then must go by the front window to wave bye to them and blow them kisses. Oh, I also point out everything that is messy to Grama by telling her "uh oh" and "uck"
  • I sometimes blow kisses from my ear, not my mouth

I should have mentioned....I had my first birthday pictures taken last Friday. Grama and mom took me. The place was running about 30 minutes behind. I did not mind because I was entertained with trying to play with the Leggo table (which mom freaked out a bit over since there are so many GERMS) and trying to play with the big kids. Those big kid boys did not scare me! I would walk right up to them and try to steal their leggo's and tried to get them to let me play with their ball. I love balls! When it was our turn for pictures I tried to cooperate, but the photographer made everything so messy by sprinkling rose petals all over the floor. I kinda panicked since it was so messy....I tried to tell him to clean up fast by telling him "uh oh" and "uck!", but her did not clean up fast enough!!! I decided I was done with my 1st birthday pictures and cried the rest of the appointment. I think I stressed out Mom. There were not many pictures to choose from! Oh she and Grama have a story to tell! heehee!




My BIG 1st Birthday!

It is official...I am 1 year old!!! I had such a fun birthday long weekend and party! On my actual birthday mom, dad, and both my Grama's and Pa's all went to Pizza Shoppe for dinner and a little party! Dad reserved us our very own room so I could run around as much as I wanted! It was so much fun...I especially love their ground beef pizza!
My MONKEY party was Saturday at 1pm! All my friends and family came to visit me! We played fun games, ate lots of yummy food...I even got to eat my very own birthday cake!!! I got so many wonderful presents from everyone...thank you! I can't wait until my 2nd birthday party...I will have to start thinking about what kind of party I want then!!!!
