Friday, April 10, 2009

Video...playing around!

Here is a video of me, dad, mom, murphy all playing tonight before bed time! Murphy makes me laugh so much! I think it is funny to give me my socks, babies or anything she can whip around in her mouth. When Murphy takes what I give her I pretend she took it from me and say "uh oh"!!! Then I crack up like crazy when she whips it around in her mouth!!! Murphy is the BEST!




Playing with my dolls

Before bedtime tonight I played with my Baby Bella and other toys in my room. I have a stroller, a rocking cradle and lots of other fun stuff for baby Bella. I love to say "rocky rock" when I put Bella in the cradle and rock it back and forth. I really love the stroller...I play with it for long period of time trying Bella in it and strolling her across my bedroom!
After we played house with Bella mommy and daddy read me my favorite book, I had my milk and went nye-nye!

Fashion Show!

Tonight was so much fun! Mom helped me put on a fashion show for Daddy! We tried on some of my new clothes and we wanted to try to figure out which of the 2 Easter outfits mom got me I would wear for the big day so we had a fashion show!

Mom and I would go to my bedroom and I would pick which of the outfits that she had layed out I wanted to try on. She would help me get dressed, then we would go downstairs and I would walk over to daddy and show him my new outfit! I had so much fun...I let mom put 6 outfits on me and I did not fuss at all. Mom tried to teach me to spin in my dresses, but I did not really understand. She would put me in front of my bathroom mirror so I could see myself and I looked so pretty (I say "Pa" for pretty).

Thank goodness mom bought more than 1 Easter dress because one of them was so yucky!! See the picture below with me in the ugly bonnet! What was she thinking?? I look crazy and it was itchy!

Hope you like the pictures!

I like to play in drawers - here I am in my drawer!

What was she thinking...luckily we still have the receipt!!

Monkey Bizness

Last weekend mom and dad took me to a really cool place called Monkey Bizness. It is an indoor play place for kids just like me. My favorite thing to do was to go down the slide. They would count to 3 and on 3 I would push myself from the slide and slide down as fast as I could. When I hit the bottom mom or dad would throw me up in the air! It was so cool...I did it over and over and over and over again. I just giggled like crazy!
My other favorite thing to do was to watch the other kids. Some bigger kids were so nice and would come and talk to me. I would wave at them and say "hi "until they got close...then I got a little shy, but when they would walk away I would say "hi" again!! One bigger boy (he was about 8) would watch me and laugh at how funny I was. I liked him a lot!
I went back with mom, Aunt Carolyn and cousin Tom the past week and had some more fun! I did trip over my feet though and bang my nose really got all swollen and is now bruised. That is okay though...I am still pretty cute!
Did I mention my big cousin Tom is in town??? We have had so much fun playing together! He is so fun to watch...I just cheer him on, and steal his stuff! They are trying to teach me to be nice and share...I am learning! We went to Deanne Rose Farm this week too! I love the ponies and Tom loved the goats!!! I can now nay like a horse and moo like a cow! I saw horse and cows there! Cool! We will send you all pictures of us playing together soon!

It is such a big place...and I am such a little girl:

Daddy is showing me the ropes!

The Easter Bunny's Coming...

I am really excited for the Easter Bunny to come Sunday! Grama Fimmen and I always sing the song together and she has had her decorations out for us to get all ready for the bunny! Last weekend mom, dad, Grama and Pa Fimmen all took me to an Easter egg hunt. It was really cold though...I had to bundle up to stay warm! I had never hunted for Easter eggs before, but boy did I get a lot of them!!! Once I got the hang of it, I grabbed as many as I could find! I might have even been the winner in the kids under 2 group....heehee!!! :)

Guess what? The Easter bunny was there and I got to meet him. Mom and I got our picture taken with him. He was much bigger than I imagined, but I loved him so much. I wanted to have lots of pictures taken with him. I was really disappointed when everyone told me it was the other kids turn with the Easter bunny. I wanted to talk with him all morning long!