Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Mom got an email from BabyCenter.com on this and I was Super excited to read it. Hopefully this means paci can stick around for awhile longer!!!

Is it true that sucking on a pacifier or thumb ruins a child's teeth or bite?

Expert Answers
The BabyCenter Editorial Team
No, not unless it continues into the preschool years.
It's perfectly healthy and natural for a baby to suck, and fingers or a pacifier can come in very handy for soothing. A child is most likely to enjoy thumb-sucking or a pacifier during the years when she has her baby teeth, and there's no reason to worry about long-term problems with the teeth or jaw at that point.
It's a good idea to discourage thumb-sucking and pacifier use before your child gets permanent teeth, though. Continued sucking after that time can lead to problems with the front teeth tipping outward or not developing properly.
Permanent teeth usually start showing up by age 4 to 6, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that parents help children put a stop to these habits by age 3. (For help with the pacifier, see ten ways to banish the binky.)
If your child enjoys sucking on a pacifier or her fingers, talk with her dentist. He can monitor her jaw and teeth to make sure that they're developing properly.
One thing that's bad for your child's teeth at any age: dipping that pacifier in something sweet.


Hugs and Kisses

I am a really affectionate little girl and I love to give hugs and kisses! Everyone loves my hugs and kisses! Daddy especially likes it when I pat him on the back when I give him hugs...so I do!

I love you!

Cuddle time

I LOVE to cuddle!! It is so much fun to lay really close to mommy and daddy, but also a brilliant way to push off bed time!!! I have them figured out. They think it is so cute when I ask to cuddle they do it! When they ask me "what time is it Kate" I say "cuddle time" - even though I know they want me to say "nigh night time". I used to say "nigh night time, but not anymore...I have them fooled! Heehee!

More bed time...

When mommy puts me down to bed she puts lamby, Bella, Mia and Ducky all at my sides. After she does that she gets two more pacis (I already have 3 pacis from when she rocky rocks me and hums and shh's) and puts them on my chest. She them puts 5 fingers over my face and says..."you have 5 paci's Kate" and then counts all 5 (one in each hand, 2 on my chest and one in my mouth.- unless I like to trick her that night and hide one). I then giggle, mommy says she loves me and we say nigh night.

I almost forgot...I now sleep on a big girl pillow in my crib.

"Good night mommy"

"See ya, goodbye"

"I love you mommy"

All things I say to mommy as she leaves the room after putting me down to bed. Mommy was so excited once I started to tell her these things at bed time.

Bed time ritual...

Ever since I was a newborn mommy has performed the same bedtime ritual. She starts by humming "hey passer policeman"...or something like that - mommy does not really know the words right, so she has always hummed it. After humming that for awhile she starts saying "shh...shh...shh" in the same beat over and over again. I love it so much and look forward to the same bedtime ritual. Since she has done it thousands of times I have started humming and shh'ing with her. I love to do it and mommy thinks it is pretty funny. To make mommy really laugh while she starts humming I will tell her to start shh'ing and when she shh'es I tell her to hum....I am hilarious!


The most perfect words

Kate usually sends all the blog updates, but this one was so special to mommy that I had to send it. Kate now says all on her own and at surprising moments...

"I love you mommy"

"I love you Daddy"

"I love you...Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom, Uncle Chris, Tom, Meghan, Anna, Murphy, Peanut, Gigi, Gipa, etc"

It is amazing how fast she is growing and how amazing she is.
Anne (mommy)