Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Have I told you how much I love Teetos??? I love "TEETOS" and ask for them over and over and over again! Mmm!!!
Oh yeah, I love M&Ms too. I had my first one this weekend and called them "yummy m ms) Mmm!!


My cousins Tom and Meghan got into town last night and I got to play with them today! We are having SO much fun!! So much that I forgot I usually take a morning nap...Grama made sure I had a nap though! I just love my cousins and can't wait until Anna is born and I get another one. Mommy and Daddy are coming over after work and we are all having a big BBQ party!

Hay Fever!

I think I have allergies and I don't like it! Mommy emailed the doctor to see what we should be doing, but in the meantime they have been giving me Benadryl. I keep itching my eyes and saying "eyes...itch". Yesterday Grama gave me a little too much medicine (by mistake) and boy oh boy was I sleepy! Grama wondered why I had such dark circles under my eyes! When mom and dad picked me up I kept falling asleep in the car! I was one tired girl...I did get a great sleep last night though!