Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Wizard of Oz!

I really like to watch movies at home. The newest one I am watching is “The Wizard of Oz”. Mommy did not know if I was old enough to like it or not….well….I LOVE it! I love Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Lion, Scarecrow, The Tin Man, the Professor, the Munchkins and TOTO! My favorite part of the movie is when Dorothy lands in Munchkinland and the ruby slippers magically come off of the Wicked Witch of the East (who is dead) and onto Dorothy’s feet! It is so cool…I always ask to “fast forward it” (although I mean rewind)! I also notice (and point out to everyone every time we watch it) that the Wicked Witch of the West has on black shoes (I LOVE shoes)! I can’t wait to get some of my own ruby slippers!! Maybe I should be Dorothy for Halloween and mommy could be the bad Witch, daddy the Lion, Papa Dick the Scarecrow, Papa the Professor, Nama Vicki the Good Witch, Nama Auntie Em, Uncle Rob a munchkin (ha!), Uncle Tom the Mayor of Munchkinland, Uncle Chris the Tin Man, Aunt Jenny and Aunt Carolyn can each be one of those scary monkey’s, Anna & Meghan the Lullabye League Munchkins and Tom the Lollipop Guild munchkin!!! Oh, and Peanut can be Toto!

Sleeping Beauty

I love to pretend. My newest thing I like to do is pretend I am Sleeping Beauty. I pretend I have fallen asleep on the floor (I make princess like sounds as I am asleep too) and then make someone be the Prince who can only wake me up by giving me a kiss! I also like to be the princess sometimes! I played this with Nama, Nama Vicki, Mommy and Papa Dick last night! It is so fun…I could play it for hours!

Here is another Toy Story 3 picture...

Daddy and me chowing down on popcorn before the movie started!!

Toy Story 3!

Daddy and Mommy took me to my very first movie! We went to see Toy Story 3 and it was in 3-D! I got to wear these cool glasses during the movie and eat popcorn at the same time! I even had my very own seat! The movie was 2 hrs long and I made it about an hour of that. Daddy and Mommy said we can come back when I am 3!


Big Girl Panties!

You heard right…I am now officially trying out big girl panties! Not for very long though – I am not that fond of using the big girl potty. At least not yet!
P.S. Look at Lamies big girl panties..."the same"!

Daddy's Birthday!

Yesterday was Daddy's birthday! We took him out to dinner at Garozzo's and Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick all joined us! After dinner everybody came back to our house for cake and presents! Nama Vicki brought a really pretty strawberry pie and I picked out for Daddy a cookie monster cookie cake (boy do I wish we would have taken a picture of that)! I also picked out for him a cookie sanwich filled with and covered in red, white and blue frosting - that is what I chose to eat! It was so yummy and messy - I had red and blue icing all over me - my mouth, my hands and even my belly (we took off my clothes to eat it so nothing got ruined!).

I helped daddy open presents. He got lots of fun stuff things, but I think his favorite was what I got and green socks! I told him all along that I wanted to find him some, but mommy thought we would not find them BUT we did and they are so cool! They have the Polo horse on them just like my shoes! Daddy wore his pink socks and I wore mine..."the same"!!


We went to Pittsburg all day last Sunday and had a blast! First we met Gigi and Gipa at the Mall Deli for lunch! I had a yummy hot dog and even got to through pennies in the fountain (Gigi and Gipa always remember to bring me some pennies)! After that we went to their house and played with bubbles and ran around in the yard! I even got to explore Gigi and Gipa’s house some! I fell down on the front porch and got a bit of a booboo – then mommy and daddy decided it was time to go take a nap!
After my nap we went to the Pittsburg pool! They had a really cool pool. I went down the frog waterslide lots of times and even got to ride on a tube down the lazy river on mommy’s lap! We had to leave there because it started lightening and they told everyone to leave the pool.

Then we went to the golf course to see Nama Vicki! As we walked in there it started to pour rain. There was lots of thunder and lightening – so we stayed at the golf course for awhile! We drank slurpees and I even got to have a Reese’s peanut butter cup – YUMMY!

We went to back to Gigi and Gipa’s for a while and I acted like a squirrel and danced and jumped all around! I can’t wait until we go back next! I had so much fun!

Juice box!

Daddy has been buying me Elmo juice boxes and I LOVE them! I get to have then for special treats! Mommy does not love them as much. She keeps talking about her floor being sticky ever since I started to drink juice boxes!

Tom & Meghan's last day in Kansas!

I had so much fun while Tom, Meghan and Aunt Carolyn were in town. We got to play so much! Here are some pictures of Meghan’s 1st bday party at Stonewall pizza – it was also there last night in town. Tom and I had so much fun playing. We built a choo-choo train out of chairs! At the end of the night Tom and I hugged and said goodbye. I can’t wait until he comes back into town in a few weeks!

I'm a clown!

I can act a bit crazy sometimes…sometimes just to make everybody laugh! At Nama and Papa’s the other day I walked out and surprised everybody by putting a pair of earplugs I got from Nama’s bathroom drawer in my ears and dancing around!

Silly Banz...

are SO cool! I first got hooked on them when a big girl gave me a pink princess one on the playground. It was so nice of her (athough I really wanted the orange one)! Nama took me to Hallmark to get my very own first pack of silly bandz. Given they were tricky to find back then all we could choose from were dinosaurs or guitars…we got the dinosaurs (although as we walked to the counter to pay for them I told Nama I really wanted to buy the princess one’s). We kept looking and mommy found the princess one’s for me. Nama Vicki has got farm animals. I am set and I love my silly bandz! I like to put them on and off and give them to everyone else to wear too!

Father's Day!

We had a very fun Father’s Day! Daddy, mommy and I went to the swimming pool and had lots of fun! I had my swimmies on so I could go in the deep end. I swam and jumped into the water and had all sorts of fun! Papa Dick came over for a steak dinner and mommy made homemade strawberry shortcake for the first time…yummy!

Just Chill'in

Price Chopper!

I love shopping at Price Chopper. They have special shopping carts for kids to push and shop with and they also have really cool shopping carts for mommies and daddies to push that have a car attached for me to drive! When we shop there and I choose the kid cart I love to put groceries in my own cart and help put them on the check out counter when it’s time to pay! Let’s go grocery shopping!