Sunday, November 20, 2016

Slumber party!

Saturday night Addi, Lily and Madeline came over for a fun sleepover!  We had pizza, played house, played school,watched a movie, played truth or dare, made a sugar scrub craft and had so much fun!!

I love my friends!!

Lily is missing from this picture because mom took after she had to go home!




Lawrence swim competition!

I competed at the Lawrence swim meet today and rocked it!!!  I participated in 5 events and placed really well in all but the relay (I was put on a relay with 6 and 7 year olds and we did not do well!!)

I was 3rd overall in points of the 118 girls at the meet!  That was really awesome!!!!!!






We escaped!!

We had such a fun night last night with the fam!  We celebrated dads birthday with a night on the town!  We started with happy hour at the Brick and then we headed to The Escape Artist and did the escape room event!  It was so awesome with our adrenaline rushing!  We rocked it and escaped with 13 minutes to spare!!  It was awesome!

After, we went to dinner at the Majestic steakhouse for 2 new KC experiences!!  Such a fun night!



