Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Anna!!

Happy 2nd birthday Anna! This weekend she had her party at Nama's house. It was good and bad.

First for the good stuff:

  • We played and played in the sprinkler and in the bounce house

  • Anna got lots of cool presents (and she gave us really cool party favors - crocks, candy and a craft)!

  • We had yummy food and desserts!

  • All our family was together (except for Uncle Tom - he was reffing a football game)!

The bad stuff:

  • Tom fell and broke his was really bad and he was really hurting. I do not like to see my best friend hurt!

  • He had to go to the hospital and was there for 2 nights

  • He had to have surgery

  • He is in a cast from his belly button down one entire leg and to his knee on the other leg

  • He has to rest a lot and can not walk - he gets to watch lots of movies and read lots of books!

  • He has a wheelchair - this is really cool! We even got to go on walks with him!

  • He has a special car seat

  • He will be in his cast for at least 6 weeks.

  • I hate to see Tom hurt, but he is doing really good. I love him so much! we got to watch movies together, talk and read books.

  • I hope Tom gets better really soon...I love Tom!





This weekend went to Pittsburg to hang out with Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Gigi and Gipa! Since it was Labor Day weekend there was lots of fun things to do. It was REALLY hot, but we went downtown to walk around and play in the bouncy house! It was fun! That night we went to Josie's for a good dinner and then to Braum's for ice cream....yummy!! I had so much fun!

First Day of Preschool!!

Yesterday was my first day of preschool! Last year I went to Mommy's Day Out at the same school (Stanley Presbatian), but I am now a bigger girl and go to the 3 year old class. My classroom is called the "Red Room" and it is really cool! It has a computer for kids, a really awesome kitchen that I will be spending lots of time at, books, a craft section and lots of learning things! I am pretty excited for school, although sometimes I am not as thrilled!

When mom dropped me off at school I really did not want her to go. I did not cry at all, but kept asking her to give me hugs and kisses and asked to walk her to the door. Mrs. Smid (Mrs. Partrich is my other teacher) walked with us to the door and then took me to the reading rug.

During the day we read books, played outside, played in stations, learned everyone's names and what to expect from school. When mom came to pick me up she saw me playing on the playground with the other kids. I was so excited to see that she came back for me!

After school I got to pick anywhere I wanted to go to lunch....I picked Taco Bell (of course), then we went shopping and over to Nama's to see Tom.

I go to school two times a week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 9:30 to noon. I have my second class tomorrow. Hope it is a fun day!


Here I am getting ready to leave for the day!

Here I am in front of the sign at school! Miss Paula (the school director) was waiting at the door to great me!

Here I am in front of my hook - I am the yellow heart!

Here I am lining up from recess!

Thank you Uncle Chris!!

Uncle Chris was SO nice and sent me a t-shirt from New York! It says "My crazy Uncle lives in Brooklyn!" It is so cool and soft! Thanks Uncle Chris! I am blowing you a kiss in this picture!