Friday, March 5, 2010


Barney happens to still be my favorite show. I just love all the singing and dancing. I am getting really good at memorizing them really quickly too. In fact, a new one came on On Demand last week and I pretty much have it memorized and have only seen it a handful of times. My favorite song on this one goes like this "Macaroni, macaroni, mac and cheese. 3 times a day, pretty please. Macaroni, macaroni, mac and cheese....I love mac and cheese....". It is such a great song that mommy even has it memorized. She told me she sang it all day long at work yesterday! Just like me! It has such a catchy tune!

By the way - mac and cheese is my favorite food too!

The colder the better!

I LOVE cold water! After each of my bathies I get to stand up in the tub while the water drains and mom or dad will turn on the bath water....really cold! If they don't turn it on cold enough I will say "colder"!!! I love to take my lobster scoop or my hands and throw the water on me and say "brrrrrr" or even "I'm freezin'!" then giggle like crazy and ask for more.

I love the cold water! The colder the better!

"Hide & Seek" ='s Pooping!

You will know when I have to poop. I will ask you "hide & seek?"...then I walk away. What I really mean by hide and seek is...."I want some privacy now, so please leave me alone". Then I will really give myself away and make lots of loud noises until I am done pooping.

If you ask me if I am done pooping and I am not I will say "still pooping" or "almost". I am guilty for saying those words even when I am done, but I don't want you to change my diaper! Aren't I smart?

Mommy and Daddy keep trying to get me to poop in the big girl potty, but I am not ready yet. One day soon though...