Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fun Day!

Today was Nama’s real birthday and we celebrated by going to City Market and then going to the Crown Center fountains! It was such a fun day! We walked around and bought lots of fruit, vegetables and flowers at City Market. We even ate at a fun Italian market where I got a yummy turkey leg! I almost rode the train – but then I go t scared. I think I will like it when I am 3!

My favorite part of the day was the fountains at Crown Center! It is right at Hallmark where mommy works! We put on my bathing suit and Daddy showed me how to run through the fountains! I was a wild girl once I saw what to do and I ran in and out of the fountains like a pro! I giggled, got so excited and had so much fun! I played and played I the fountains! I can’t wait to go back!

Happy Birthday Nama!

I had so much fun at Nama’s birthday party! It nay have been the most excited I have ever been for a party! I got to wear a really cool pink party dress too! We all took Nama out to Garozzo’s for her birthday dinner! Everyone had a yummy dinner and I got a special treat – a strawberry daiquiri. It looked just like the one mommy got but without the booze and I LOVED it!

After dinner we went back to Namas and Papa’s house for cake and PRESENTS! I was so excited for everything. I made sure we had candles for me and Nama to blow out and was really disappointed mommy forgot birthday party hats for us all to wear! I helped Nama open all her fun presents too!

I even put on a show where I re-enacted The Wizard of Oz for everyone! I acted like Dorothy and fell asleep in the field of poppies, I ran away from the Wicked Witch, I sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, I clicked my heals and said “there’s no place like home”. I did it all and loved it so much! Nama thinks I am pretty dramatic and that I will be in theater one day!

Happy Birthday Nama!


I love baths with the cousins!!

Summer time outfit!

Don’t I just scream summer?

Cupcakes and yogurt!!

A really cool new place opened up at Town Center where you can build your own cupcake and yogurt sundae! Mommy and I went the other day and had a yummy treat! I can’t wait to go back!

The Farm!

Nama, Pap, daddy, mommy and me all went to the farm to walk around and to go fishing! It was so cool – although I really did not want anything to do with the fishing part! Daddy and Papa did good and caught some sunny’s.

What was really cool was it started to rain a bit and then it POURED!! We were stuck on one side of the farm and because it was thundering and lightening so badly they closed the farm and made us all run to the entrance! I thought it was hilarious!!! Daddy carried me as we all ran as fast as we could to the entrance! We were all soaked! So much fun!


4th of July

I just realized that I am behind on telling you some fun stuff I did this month! For the 4th of July Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Mommy, Daddy and I all went over to Nama and Papa’s for a fun party! We had fireworks that Nama Vicki brought that we let off too! It got really rainy so the BIG official fireworks got cancelled. That was okay though…we had so much fun!