Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Yesterday was daddy's birthday. We had a really busy day! First we woke up super early in Florida (4:30am...3:30am KC time), then we got ready, drive to the airport, went on an airplane and came home to Kansas City. we did all of that by 10am KC time!!

I fell asleep on the car ride home and slept for almost 5 hours!!!! Longest nap EVER! Also the shortest night sleep EVER!

After I woke up we went to daddy's favorite restaurant...Jalapenos! Then we all went for family manicures (me) and pedicures (mom and dad).

When we got home we relaxed and watched the movies from our trip to Disney World. It was such a fun day!

Disney Family!

As you can probably tell from all the posts, the fun pictures and the great stories...we all had a blast in Disney World! I think it is the greatest place on earth and can't wait to go back! Hopefully it will be soon! Now that we know more of what to do and how to do it I bet the next trip will be even better (if that is even possible)! We might be what they call "a Disney Family"!!

Benihana...last dinner in Disney World!

We wanted to do something fun for our last night at Disney World. We decided on having dinner at Benihana (a Japanese steakhouse). I had never been to one before so mom and dad thought I would think it was neat. It was also at our very convenient!!

I am being silly in this picture and trying out my kid chop sticks!

I was a clown that night!

Here is our chef cooking all our goodies right at our table! Mom and I got chicken and dad got steak. I loved my dinner. I ended up giving mom most of my shrimp though. I liked it, but preferred my chicken.


Mickey Mouse rice! Cool!

It was a yummy dinner! I can't wait to go to a Japanese steakhouse in Kansas City!




The pool...again!

We headed to the pool on our last day to relax and to escape the heat! The hotel had 2 really cool adult pools, a kiddie pool and 2 hot tubs.

Here I am with my vest on walking down the steps.

Here I am holding my breath while daddy teaches me to swim.




Mexican food..cheese dip...

Although definitely not Jalepenos and not even Jose Peppers....we managed to find ourselves Mexican food (and cheese dip) twice during our trip!

Day 7: Magic Kindom (part 3)

We decided to spend our last day in Disney World at the Magic Kingdom. It was our 3rd trip to the Magic Kingdom and we really love it. We got there right when it opened and our plan was to go straight to Rapunzel to meet her. The lines had always been SO long that I had not met her yet. Well, mom and I went it was already a 2 hour wait!! Instead of spending most of time at the park waiting we decided to ride rides and stuff.

Instead of the monorail we took the fairy boat over to Magic Kingdom. It was our hottest and most crowded day by far. We knew it would be a short day at the parks for us.

I got to meet Alice in Wonderland and the White Rabbit and then we road the teacups again!

Dad and I drove this fast car at the Speedway. I was really scared and cried most of the time. They did give me a cool drivers license though!

On our way out of the park for the day we ran into a little parade. It was fun to see everyone!

Here I am trying to cool myself off with my fan and squirter!

I love the Magic Kingdom and can't wait to head back there very soon!




Day 6: Hollywood Studios Night!

We decided to take advantage of our Park hopper Passes (for the first time) and head to Hollywood Studios to watch the evening Fantasmic show. When we got there it almost immediately started to rain, so we put on ponchos and pulled out umbrellas!

I did not want a poncho so we concocted an arrangement with the umbrella on the stroller so I could stat dry! Daddy got us some popcorn to we could chill out until the rest slowed down.

We got to the outdoor theater for Fantasmic about an hour before the show started. Good thing, because it was already about 60% full. We got a good seat and entertained ourselves!

Mom brought a bunch of glow in the dark stuff that we played with and got all ready. I looked really cool once it got dark! We even shared some bracelets with kids who were sitting near us!

Daddy and me getting excited for the show!

and mommy and me!

and all of us!!!! xoxo

Here is a close up of all my bracelets!

The show was cool! Lots of fireworks, lights, water and load noises!! I got scared some, but just sat on the floor until the music got happy again!

The coolest part for me was what all the Disney characters came out on the boat! I wish they stuck around longer though! I loved that part!




The end to a good day at the Magic Kingdom!!

I decided since I am a big girl that I wanted to ride the Monorail standing while holding onto the pole!