Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Paddy Day!

While mom and dad were at work I had a festive-filled day with Nama and the Stilley girls!!  We made tons of crafts (dyed rice and pasta, made green pasta necklaces, made shamrocks out of puffy paint, colored rainbows, watched the parade on tv, made signs for the leprechaun), played like crazy, tried to catch leprechauns and had a blast!!

We even had a dinner party!!  Mom, Nama and Aunt Jenny even had on the same outfits!!

What an amazing day!  Spring break rocks!!


Beautiful day for the zoo!

Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days ever (in the 80s and sunny) and I was in spring break....so, Nama and I went with the Stilley girls to the zoo!  We had lots of fun and did lots of playing outdoors!

I also had my first soccer practice of the season last night!  I was wiped out!!  

Great day!
