Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cousin love!!


Billy the Bulldog

A few weeks ago mommy, daddy and I went to Petland and fell in LOVE with an adorable English Bulldog that we named "Billy".  He was so chill and cute.  He would sit by our feet and relax, stretch out his body on me and he even fell asleep in mommy's arms...SO CUTE!  He even had a little snore!  He had the cutest spot right on the top of his head...ADORABLE.  Mom fell totally in love with him (and she never does with dogs).  I got so excited because she loved him so much (I thought we were going to buy him).  But, guess what?  He cost $3,499!!!  Can you believe it?  Mommy's friend Courtney said that is the most expensive dog she has ever heard of!  Unfortunately, Billy is still at Petland.  We did get to visit him again with Nama, Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley....they all thought he was so cute too!  We love you Billy and hope you go home to a happy and nice family!
