Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day!

Have I mentioned I LOVE Christmas?! I do! We got to Grama and Papa’s around 11:00 and had a great big breakfast that Grama made while we waited for everyone else to arrive! I showed Grama and Papa my new baby doll…I was allowed to bring one present with me to their house and I chose my baby doll! They thought she was really neat and we named her “Emily”!

Once everyone got there we snacked and then opened presents…something that I have learned takes a LONG time when you have so many people on the family! It was fun though! Tom and I acted like little elves and helped Papa pass out presents. It was so fun to carry the presents to everyone…especially the really BIG ones!

Once again, I got lots of fun presents…a baby doll that has a paci, a helicopter (yeah!... I asked for that a lot), a garbage truck (just like Tom), my first Cabbage Patch kid, these really cool dolls that have snap on clothes and lots of clothes to change them with, clothes, a dress up kit, and lots of other fun stuff! It was fun to see all Tom’s toys too…he got a really cool HUGE garbage truck – sometimes I really LOVE boys toys!

We had a great dinner of lasagna and Papa let us have some of his Godiva chocolates (yummy)! I got to stay up super late (even after all the other cousins went to bed) because we were not staying the night like everyone else…I was such a good girl too! I love a party and act like the best little girl so no one wants to put me to bed or have me leave before the party is over!

I am sad Christmas is over and my cousins Tom and Meghan and Uncle Tom and Aunt Carolyn had to go home! BUT…I love playing with all my toys and they will all be back in about 1 month! Tom and I are going to have our birthday parties together! It’s going to be Mickey and Minnie Mouse theme! I can’t wait! It is going to be February 6th…mark your calendars!


Christmas Morning!

Everyone kept talking about Santa coming and they were right….he came to our house! He even ate the cookies we set out for him the night before and left me a really nice note! I woke up in mommy and daddy’s bed Christmas morning and was so excited when daddy reminded me that Santa came. The first thing I said was “did he eat the cookies”? We were all so excited that we did not even brush our teeth before we went downstairs…I could see from the balcony that Santa did come to our house and that he left me LOTS of toys! Whenever anyone would ask me what I wanted from Santa I would say “toys…a baby doll”! Guess what, he got me the coolest baby doll ever – one that talks, eat, and potties! I got so many things from Santa, mommy and daddy and I love it all! I got a table and chair set for my new playroom, a kitchen, shoes, kitchen food, kitchen pots and pans, dishes and lots of stuff to pretend with, and a big puppy, my very own pillow with my name on it. I got a giant Cinderella doll I love to carry around and dance with and lots of other stuff!

Murphy even got some fun presents I helped her open. I should mention that I love opening presents and I really got a hang of it after my first few! I do like to take breaks between openings though to play with my presents AND I want to open everything out of the boxes! Finally mom and dad had to put a rule that I could only open a few out of the box at a time…there was a lot of stuff everywhere!

Mommy made cinnamon rolls for breakfast and once we were done opening presents, eating and playing some we got ready to spend the day at Grama and Papa house with all the family! We had around 6-8 inches of snow and the roads were not good at all, so daddy had to drive careful...I reminded him of that by saying "careful daddy" and "whoa daddy" whenever I thought he needed a reminder! We got to Grama and Papa's safe!