Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantined Life: World Prayer Day

Mom joined the Pope and the world to pray the rosary today at 3:00.  She prayed with her grandma's rosary that her grandma got at her first communion.  Mom said it smelled just like her grandma's perfume. 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Toothless

Dad and I are both missing the same tooth!  I am waiting for mine to grown in.  He is waiting for his implant to be put in!  Same!!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: "Visitors"

No play dates, parties, family is different right now.  That said, we can still have "visitors"....just need to see them through the window!!  Thanks Stilley girls for stopping over and dropping off the rainbow of hope!!  We love it!  Wish we could have hugged you, but waves will have to do for now! 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Yahtzee

I am killing mom during our multiple games of Yahtzee.  I am fairly new to this game, but destroying her! 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Stockup

Mom and Dad are working hard to ensure we are prepared for whatever this crazy time will bring.  Groceries and supplies have all been stocked up to ensure we have weeks worth of what we may need.  We will be placing all needed reorders online for delivery.  Hoping that Walmart grocery online orders continue with full stock!

Not pictured: full freezers, stocked cleaning supplies, garage with hundreds of bottled waters, toilet paper stash, full medicine drawer, refilled prescriptions and more. 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Coloring

Mom and I have started coloring and it is surprisingly relaxing and fun!!  It's going to take us forever, but they will be done one day!  At least we have plenty of time!

Stay Well,

Quarantined Life: Isolation Headquarters

We have been spending a good amount of time in our new isolation HQ - the upstairs TV Lounge.  We watch tv, play games, mom works, cuddle....we do a lot here.  We even have our schedule and bucket list posted here and a bowl of our current to do items stored.  We are in the process of watching the Harry Potter series and are loving it!  I have also started reading Little Women....slowly buy surely....after all, I am still on Spring Break!!

Isolation HQ is a pretty cozy place!

Stay Well,

Quarantined life: Baking

I have been doing a ton of baking and cooking this week.  We are making new recipes and have the ingredients to stock up to make even more homemade goodies.  We are even planning to make homemade bread and pretzels....we have the yeast ready to go!  Good thing we have exercise on our schedule because we will need it with all these goodies!


Quarantined Life - update 3.19.20

We, along with the rest of the country (and much of the world), have been asked to self isolate to help contain the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).  This means we have stayed at home and within 6 feet of people outside our immediate family for 6 days.

I have actually enjoyed the beginnings of the isolation as we have been able to hang out as a family and relax.  With my busy schedule I really never get to just do "nothing".  Everything has been cancelled:
- school for the rest of the year - we are awaiting to see what virtual learning might look like
- National Swim meet
- Mavs volleyball - including upcoming tournaments and practices
- Short Course Swim - including practices
- everything, absolutely everything has been cancelled

Mom and Dad have also been working from home and are getting used to conference calls and Skype meetings.  This is all just so different.

Although this is officially "Spring Break", I wanted to make sure that I have some sort of a schedule and purpose to my days.  So, a few days ago I made a quarantine schedule and Bucket List.  I can already tell I will need to add to the bucket list as we are getting a lot done, but it was a great start!

I am going to try to post often to keep you updated on our quarantines life.  It may be pretty boring, but that is life right now.  

I love you all!
Stay well,