Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Haircut #2

A few weeks ago Mommy and Daddy took me to get my haircut by the same lady mommy uses...Leah! I really liked Leah and was not scared at all for my haircut! The really cool thing was that my appointment was the same time as Namas. I told Nama she looked "spooky" with her hair color in her hair! She warned me though! I got my hair all done up pretty and my bangs all trimmed up! I had so much fun I did not want to leave! I can't wait until my next haircut!

Snow Bunny in Colorado!

I had so much fun with Mommy, Daddy. Nama and Papa in Colorado! I got to go on the airplane and it was really fun, but “noisy”! It was so “noisy” that I wanted the window shade shut the entire flight! I was a really good girl though and moved from one persons lap to the next as the flight to and from KC was full!

Once we got to Colorado Papa picked us up in his car! He was so nice and rove to Colorado since he had business there before our vacation! It was so nice because he brought all my important stuff like stroller and car seat and snacks!

We stayed in Keystone and I really liked our place! They even had a pack ‘n play for me already there! They even had a booster seat which I loved. I got to sit at the big girl table with everyone else! They also had a really cool refrigerator – one that I could stand in to see what I wanted to eat – I loved it! I also loved standing out on the deck and watching all the skiers walk to the slopes! We stayed right in the village right near the slopes and got to see all kinds of neat people!

We did all sorts of things….played in the snow and threw snowballs (Daddy even nailed me in the face right when we went outside)! “DADDY!” I also loved playing on the playground right outside our place….I can go down the slide all day long! We brought a sled and mommy and I went down the hill with it and then Papa and Nama pulled me around while I sat or layed in it! I really like the snow and my COOL light up boots! Everyone told me how cool they were! Nama called me her “little snow bunny” and she was right….I looked just like a snow bunny!

We went into Breckenridge one day to see the ice sculpture festival and to meet Mr. Skip and Miss Kathleen Gigliotti. IT was fun, but I quickly got sleepy and mom and dad had to take me back to the place! Later we all went out to dinner and I got to stay up really late! We also watched the KU game on TV at our place….I love cheering on the Jayhawks! “Rock Chalk, JayhawkKU!” I love singing that song!

While we were in the Village they had some entertainment that was lots of fun! Jeff the Ref gave me chapstick and a lollipop, but the Keystone Bear was the coolest! He came up and surprised me. I gave him high fives, hugged him and he lifted me in the sky! I liked him so much that when he had to leave I stalked him….and made Daddy stalk him with me. We followed him everywhere and watched him dance! I did get to say hi to him 2 times and give him hugs! I was sad that he was not there the second day though., but I kept looking.

Daddy went skiing and we walked him to the slopes! It was fun to watch him go up in the ski lift – although I wanted to go up, up, up with him!

I loved our trip and can’t wait to go back again soon! Maybe next year I can be a real ski bunny and take some lessons!
