Monday, July 26, 2010

Pics with the cousins!

Here are some cousin pics compliments of Aunt Jenny's camera (mommy still has not uploaded hers).

Nama's Birthday

Today Nama and I were making the bed and Nama asked me to guess who's birthday was in a few days. For some reason I could not guess so she told me her bday is Saturday. I was pretty excited and asked her "What are you going to wear?". Nama thought that was pretty funny!

Cousin Sleepover!

I had so much fun last week because Tom, Meghan, Anna, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom and Aunt Jenny came in town! Daddy went out of town to Las Vegas for a boys trip so mommy and I had a sleep over at Nama and Papa's with everybody!

I love playing with my cousins. Tom and I spent a lot of time playing garbage truck on Nama's stairs! Someone would be the driver (we tried to recruit people so Tom and I could be the trash picker upper kids) and Tom and I would jump off the steps and run to pick up the trash. We would throw the trash in the garbage truck, return the garbage can and then do it over and over and over again until all the trash in the world was picked up! This fun game lasted about 7 days!

We went to the pool, played like crazy and I introduced Tom to "The Wizard of Oz (which he really liked)! We had so much fun! I can't wait to see him again. We will have to go down to Dallas as it will be awhile until they can come back to Kansas. Aunt Carolyn is pregnant and can't travel much anymore!

I can't wait until our next cousin get-together!

Ruby Slippers!

The long awaited ruby red slippers arrived last week!! Last Tuesday to be exact and I have had a very fun week wearing them whenever I can. I love to dress up like Dorothy every chance I have and beg mom every morning to dress me in my Dorothy outfit. She usually won't let me and we take the outfit to Nama's. As soon as I get dropped off I remove whatever silly outfit mom makes me wear and become Dorothy ALL DAY LONG! Cousin Tom loved my red slippers too and called them "rubies" - something that I talk about all the time: "Tom calls them rubies". I will post pictures as soon as mom gets on the ball and downloads them to our computer!
Dorothy (that's me, Kate!)