Friday, November 28, 2008


I am thankful for such a fun family! I was able to see so many people on Thanksgiving - even family I have never met before! We went to Pittsburg in the morning and then to Parsons for the Horton Family Thanksgiving. Their are so many Hortons...I got to meet so many of my Great Aunts and Uncles and cousins. It was lots of fun - I also got to see my Great G'ma and G'pa Horton! There was so much food there...I have never seen so much food in one place! It all looked very yummy! Mommy even let me try ice cream - wonderful! After Parsons we went and visited Great G'ma and G'pa Bradfield to play! They have so many fun things for me to play with. I played with a radio, a ceramic cat and lots of teddy bears!! I even got to take one home. I love that teddy bear so much that I give it hugs and kisses all the time!
That same day we drove back to Kansas City for Thanksgiving dinner with the Fimmens. I got to play with my cousin Tom and Grandpa too lots of video of us! After dinner while the grown ups played Risk, Tom and I got to play around in our much fun! Peanut, Boomer and Bailey were all there so I go to play with the dogs! Boy are Boomer and Bailey big!!
I love you all!