Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fashion Show!

Tonight after my bath I had a fashion show for mommy and daddy!  I tried on my new spring clothes I got for my birthday!  I am SO excited to be able to wear short sleeves and tank tops!


Country girl!

Here I am with my guitar...I even had on the cowboy boots to match!


Snow Day!!!

 Today we had tons and tons of SNOW!  We already have around 13" and we will be getting more later this evening!  There was so much snow that both mommy and daddy stayed home from work.  they had to work from home, but we still had a lot of fun!  Here are some pictures of our day:  me vegging out with mom while she worked and one of Daddy out shoveling snow (mom took it from my bedroom window)!  I thought it was a bit too cold outside and chose not to go out and play in the snow.  I did request to go out and play in the snow tonight once it was getting dark and it was too dark to go out....hopefully we can go out and play in it tomorrow!

I already learned that my school is cancelled tomorrow due to the snow!!!!

Stay warm!