Thursday, September 13, 2012

2 More Days!!!

We have been counting down the days with our countdown calendar for 45 days and now we are ALMOST there....2 days until Disney World!  We can't hardly wait!  We have all the details planned...the first thing I want to do is meet Princess Merida!  Mom and Dad said they would stand in the line even if it is super long.  Then I want to find Rapunzel since we did not get to meet her last time...then I want to go on the log ride...then I want to....and...and...the list goes on and on!

We can't wait!

Sold Out!

That is right!  We had major success with the Lemonade Stand...make that, Brownie Stand!  We sold out of all our brownies and even sold a few glasses of lemonade!  We sold each for 25 cents and I made over $5!!  Pretty awesome...I even got 2 tips!

The garage sale goes on for two more days!  Don't worry...we already made another batch of brownies for tomorrow! 

I love being a worker!

Nama Vicki!!

This week while Nama was in Ohio I had lots of fun playing with lots of other people while mom and dad were at work.  Thursday - Aunct Jenny, Anna and Ashley.  Friday - mommy.  Monday - Daddy.  Tuesday - Nama Vicki.

It was so cool with Nama Vicki because she stayed the night Monday night and we got to spend the whole day together!  We watched lots of movies, played and went shopping!  Nama Vicki thinks I am a good shopper and that it was just like shopping with a girlfriend when we were together.  We had so much fun!

I can't wait for Nama Vicki to come visit and play again!

Garage Sale FUN!

Today is the garage sale and Nama and Papa's and I can barely contain myself!!!  Yesterday while we were getting the sale ready I told Nama "I am going to have happy dreams tonight".  She asked me why and I said "because of the garage sale".

When I woke up this morning the first thing I said was "Mommy...garage sale.  I almost forgot...I knew today was going to be a special and happy day!"

I am so excited today because "this is the first time I have been a worker" and I got to run a lemonade stand!!  Let me tell you about my lemonade stand....I have lemonade, brownies and lots of decorations to make the stand look fancy!!  Anna, Ashley and I are going to make SO MUCH MONEY!!!

So far we have had MANY garage sale customers....and we had our first Lemonade Stand sale!!!  A woman came and bought 4 BROWNIES - we made $1!  I said to her "welcome to our lemonade stand."  After she bought the brownies I increased my sales pitch and said "we have lemonade for sale too".  Since then we have sold 2 cups of lemonade and 2 more brownies.  I even got my first TIP!  A woman bought 2 brownies...I said "that will be 50 cents" and she gave me a dollar.  As I went to give her change she said..."keep it- it is your tip"!  I ran to Papa and showed him my dollar!  This is so EXCITING!

We have also sold a lot of my baby clothes I never wore - the one's with the tags on it!  THIS IS SO FUN!