Friday, May 29, 2009

My likes and updates!!

I thought tonight I would post a little update on what all I am doing now a days!! I try to repeat what everyone is saying and like to "say" the following words:
  • "I do"
  • "I go"
  • "Boo Boo" - when I have a scratch
  • "Hi Murph:
  • Hi mama, dada"
  • "out da door"
  • "wash" - to wash my hands or things!! Grama lets me clean my toys
  • "brush" for hair brush or comb and I love to brush my own hair! I even say it for tooth brush and love to brush my teeth
  • "butt paste" - my ointment for my bottom to prevent diaper rash

I love to kiss Murphy (and she loves to kiss me back)! My mom and dad do not have a door on their shower, so it is really cool to walk right on in and get all wet with them!! YIPPEE!! I repeat everything...I even like to tease people who cough or sneeze by mimicking them and then laughing!! haha!

I love sidewalk chalk, bubbles, being outside, school buses, trucks (especially garbage trucks...I love trash day!), playing in water, playing in my closet, Elmo, any kind of stuffed animal that is soft, duckee, baby Bella and all sorts of other things!

I love to play with straws in the water cups at restaurants and try to get drinks by taking the straw out of the water (just like mom and dad used to do for me before I could really drink out of a straw...except, I have not mastered how to hold the top of the straw to catch water and then letting it go in my mouth - one day soon though!).

One of my favorite things to do now is to "chill". I will lay against anything and anyone and relax and sprawl out! I especially love to do it against pillows!! Grama F. got me a fun red adirondack chair I can chill in that is just my size and I LOVE it!

Every time we drive to our house and I see the horse statues I say "Nay"! I also love to go 1,2,3...wee! on the big bump on the road on our way to Grama and Pa F's house!

I can kinda count...when someone says "1", I sat "two"! Grama F has a table at her house just my size that has the alphabet on it and I say "e,e,e,e,e,e" day I will learn to say "a,b,c,d,e"...I am working on it!

My mom has some safety baby Qtips she sometimes uses in my ears after a bath...I can even do it myself! It is so fun!

I now have 10 teeth...4 bottom middle, 2 top middle and 4 molars (2 on top and 2 on bottom)! I can chew like a champ!!

Well, as soon as I learn some new stuff I will let you know!


