Friday, April 8, 2016

The Suite life!!!

We were lucky to spend our first Royals game of the season in the H&R triple Crown suite!  We love watching games there and have been super lucky to see so many from there!

Tonight was really chilly, but mom and I were bundled up and we cuddled to stay warm and stayed outside the entire game!!!  

George Brett was even in the suite right next to us!

And to make the night even more fun- they won!

Let's go Royals!!


Two day Bieber hangover!!!

The concert was Wednesday night, it is now Friday at 5:33pm and we are driving the the Royals game.  Uh oh!


Worn out!

I forgot to call this out in my Bieber post.  Addi and I both past out asleep after being in the car for 4 minutes!!!  It was late and all that singing and dancing wore us out!!



Mom got her birthday card from Gipa Larry today and in it was this envelope for me...all filled with problems!  We could not find the pile of homework Gipa Larry sent us last time (mom thinks she threw it away), so Gipa Larry wrote "do not lose", "keep in a safe place" and "don't let mom throw out" all over it!!!!

To play it safe, we did it right away ( in 6 minutes...think I need harder problems) and mailed them back a few minutes ago!!!


Field trip

Mm got chosen to go on our field trip today!!  We went to see Suessical the musical at Trilogy.  It was a great performance and I loved having mom there!  We road the bus together and she even came back to school to bring me lunch and then came back again to pick me up!  Best school day yet!

Here are selfies of me and mom on the bus and me and Avery at lunch!!!


The Boss!!

Last night mom and dad went to the Bruce Springsteen concert thanks to H&R Block suite tickets!!  They saw a fun show- Bruce even trusted the crowd enough to crowd surf!!  

While they were there, Papa and I were hanging out!  We ran errands, had a yummy dinner at Fortune Wok and played!  Thanks for watching me Papa!  I love you!


Bieber Fever!

I got Justin Bieber concert tickets for my birthday and mm was super lucky that the concert was on her birthday!  Dad, mom, Addi and I all went and had so much fun!!  We left really early so we could have dinner at Gordon Beirsh at KCP&L!!  Then we walked around and explored before we took our seats on the floor 24 rows back!  The seats were super close, but when people filled in in front of us, it was kinda tricky for Addi and I to see over everyone.  Luckily, the people next to us left about halfway through and we were able to have fantastic aisle seats and security let us stand in the aisle and we had a perfect view!!

We danced m, sang and cheered, but freaked out and was grossed out when he took off his shirt for the finale!  Yuck!

I'd say we had Bieber least Wednesday night!!


Mom was spoiled on her birthday from work!!

Mom was super spoiled at work on her birthday and it made her feel loved!!  She was showered with flowers, cake, balloons, chocolate, cards and jewelry!  So special!!

Miss Jennifer even had a dozen bundt cakes at our door for her!!  Happy birthday to mom!!
