Sunday, September 14, 2008


My mom and her friend Lori went to this big shopping event at a convention center that they said was "consignment". I am not sure what that word means, other than it means cool stuff!! Mom got such good deals are really fun toys...a bouncy thing that hangs from a doorway, a baby-sized kitchen set, a fun musical piano, maraca's and some fun other toys. Mom also found some cute little clothes....a chiefs cheerleader outfit that I can't wait to wear for this weeks game, some pj's and a few cute outfits!\

I love consignment, cause it means I get lots of fun stuff!!!




My Teacher!

My grandma is now also my teacher!!! Grandma Fimmen started to watch me while mom and dad are at work! I have had so much fun having everyone watch me and now I am super excited to be with Grandma until February (hopefully she does not get sick of me)!!!

Mom and Dad drop me off at grandma's house every morning. Grandma, Peanut and I play all day long! grandma bought some fun toys that stay at her house that I just love! Today I bounced around in a bouncy thing and just loved it! It can entertain me forever! I love it when Grandma is on the computer because she lets me help type.

Grandma says I have been a really good napper and an all-around good girl! I think she thinks I am wild because I love to be bounced around!! I am a little crazy and I am not afraid of anything!!

I have my own crib and highchair at Grandma's - it is just like I live there during the day! i really can't think of anything her house is missing. i love me Grandma!




Picture Time........Again!

Friday we got more pictures taken at the photographer.........again!

Below are a few of the pictures!
