Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open up and say....


I may not like sitting in the car when we drive through a car wash (“too noisy”), but I LOVE washing the car! Last weekend Daddy showed me how to clean mommy’s car and we had so much fun! I got to spray the tires, spray the hose and get all wet in the process! I can’t wait for her car to get dirty again! Maybe this will become daddy and my weekend chore all summer long!

First Boat Ride Ever!

I had so much fun this past weekend! First, my cousin Anna, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob were in town and I got to play with them AND second….we all got to go on a boat ride on the lake! I loved it so much – except for the crazy “coat” (life jacket). I kept telling everyone it was too tight…it was really not fun and when mommy took it off she noticed how hot I must have been because I was sweating like crazy!

Uncle Rob’s mom and dad live on a really cool lake and have a boat. We had dinner at there house, got to play there (I even got to throw rocks into the water) and then we spent the night on the pontoon boat! I was trying to be a really good girl so we would get invited over again!!!!!! Heehee!


My favorite movie is Disney's "Princess and the Frog". I ask to watch it all the time and sometimes even bring it to Nama's so I can watch it on a rainy day! I even quote the movie "Please, Please, PLEASE...." is what Tiana says and every time she says I say it with her and then scream with delight!

Daddy thinks he is funny and calls it "Princess and the Dog" and I have to correct him that it is "FROG!!!!"

I also love "Snow White and the Seven Dwarf" and go around acting and talking like a Dwarf...."hi ho hi ho"!

I love to hold my Tiana and Snow White dolls when I watch both these movies!

Whistle while you work...

Believe it or not I can whistle. I am pretty good at it too! Even Nama has a hard time whistling!!!!!