Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Ashley

Here are some more pictures of my cutie cousin Ashley at the hospital!


I am really good on the Ipad! I just love it! Mom loves these pictures of me...she thinks I look like a teenager!

Valentine's Day!

I was so excited for my birthday that I think we never blogged about Valentine's Day! We had a really great one! First mom, dad and I all went to Cheesecake Factory for yummy desserts the day before Valentine's day! On valentine's day we got mom and I flowers!! It was so cool! Then we opened lots of other presents and played and played. We also got to decorate really cool heart cookies with frosting and sprinkles. I made one for, mom, dad, nama, papa, nama vicki, papa dick, aunt jenny, uncle rob and anna! They were so yummy! I love you!

Bernice the Bunny!

Mom had the coolest coupon ever - for a FREE Build a Bear and we went this weekend to get it! I had so much fun picking my bunny out, helping stuff her, kissing her heart and giving her a bath after! We named her Bernice the Bunny and she is really cool!

Leaping Lizards!!

This weekend I went to my first ever bounce house and it was TOTALLY AWESOME! i had so much fun running around and bouncing like crazy! Mom and Dad were even allowed to some into the houses with me and we had a blast! I heard them say it wore them out though!!


Tonight we were looking at old photo albums and spent a long time looking at mom and dad's wedding pictures. That was SO fun! I would ask who everyone was and I loved seeing how fancy and pretty everyone was. Later on when mom put me to bed and we were saying my prayers I got to the part where I blow everyone kisses and said "this kiss is for mommy's Grandma in heaven". Mommy thought that was so nice because we were just talking about Grandma Walsh when we were looking at wedding pictures. I never met her, but mommy said I would have loved her and she would have loved me!

I asked mommy if we could talk about her while we were in bed. we had such a fun talk for about 15 minutes and I learned all kids of cool stuff like: she had a drawer for cookies and another candy that mommy, Uncle Tom and Aunt jenny would love to get into when they visited and how she had a really cool green refrigerator....well, i learned lots of stuff, but I thought those things were the coolest and kept asking about them over and over.