Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here Comes the Bride...

My Aunt Jenny is now Mrs. Jenny Stilley! We all had so much fun at her wedding and all the festivities around it this past weekend! Everyone was in town and I got to meet so much of my family I had never met before. It was so much fun!!!

On Wednesday I got to go to the airport with Grandma to pick up my Great Aunt Linda! She was so nice - I loved playing with her! On Thursday a lot more of the family came into town and we had a little party at my house! I think Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob got excited and realized that this was the official start of their big wedding weekend!

On Friday we all went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Lots of people went and got manicures and pedicures with Grandpa...he loves to get his feet played with! Friday night was the rehearsal dinner, but I did not get to go since it was after my bedtime! Instead, Grandma and Grandpa Vicki came over to watch me! They watched me all weekend long and I had so much fun!

Saturday was the big day! I was a flower girl for the first time and my Aunt Jenny got married! I just loved my pretty pink, cream and brown dress!!! Mom got me a new bow for my hair and I looked so cute! My cousin Tom was one of the ring bearers and so was Uncle Rob's nephew Henry. The boys rode down in a wagon down the aisle and I was carried. We all did really good and no one cried while we made our appearance! We took lots of pictures and G'ma and G'pa Vicki took care of me all day and took me everywhere I needed to be! It was exhausting being a flower girl! I was so excited about the day that I did not get much sleep at all!!! I was one tired girl come the reception! My poor G'ma and G'pa Horton had to leave right after dinner because I was starting to have get pretty fussy! Once they got me home though I had tons of energy and had no interest in sleeping - ha! Turns out I cut my 4th tooth during the big wedding day and it hurt me all day long!
Sunday was a fun day - mom picked me up and took me back to the hotel where everyone was having a lot of fun! I got to play with some of my family and give them kisses goodbye and they left to head home. Then we went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob's house to relax and watch the Chiefs game! It was fun!
I can't believe I have a new much fun! Did I mention how pretty Aunt Jenny was all weekend? I hope I am a pretty bride like she was one of these days!


