Thursday, August 15, 2013

1st Day of Kindergarten = SUCCESS!!!

Today was a FABULOUS day!  I had so much fun at school! I love school and my teacher (although I can never remember her name)!  

Mom and Dad dropped me off this morning.  After that the day flew by.  We colored, learned about letters, did a tree picture in art class (in the art classroom), had lunch in the cafeteria (I thought it was kinda boring because no one talked to each other), learned about the rules of school (2 fingers in the air and a finger over the mouth means "be quiet"...especially in the hallway), had 2 recesses (really awesome) then went to the gym to wait for mom and dad to pick me up.

After school mom and dad surprised me and took me to Sonic for a snack. They asked me all about my day and I shared what I remembered.  After that we went home and I was surprised again to find lots of cool balloons waiting for me.  It was my 1st day of Kindergarten surprise!!!  I love them! 

Mom and dad keep asking me for more details of the day, but I was so busy, I keep forgetting and then I remember and tell them something else!

I can't wait to go back tomorrow!  I am really excited because mom and dad are letting me BUY a school lunch!  I AM SO EXCITED for that!!


Picture for Mrs. Richardson

Last night after I was all done getting ready for school I decided I wanted to make a picture for Mrs. Richardson.  I went downstairs and gathered all sorts of art supplies and  brought them to my vanity.  I asked for moms help to but the duck tape to make a picture frame and then got busy making her this beautiful picture.  It is a picture of Mrs. Richardson and me standing under a rainbow!  She loved it!


Packing our FIRST Kindergarten school lunch!

Lat night after Kate's bath she and I packed her school lunch.  She had been really excited to do this since she was with us for all the grocery shopping.  She made a ham and cheese sandwich on sandwich thins, strawberries and blueberries, and some Annie's chocolate chip cookie snacks.  She also had her new water bottle all filled up and ready to go!

She was VERY excited for her first school lunch in the cafeteria!  She is also excited to buy her own school lunch with her first credit card!  We told her she could do that once a week....she can't wait!


The Drop Off!!!

Kate was VERY excited when we got to her classroom. She said hi to Mrs. Richardson and then went to put up her backpack and lunchbox in her cubby.  Kate also made Mrs. Richardson a coloring and bravely went up to her all by herself and gave it to her.  Mrs. Richardson was super happy, asked Kate all about the picture and gave her a big hug!

There were coloring sheets out at the table for the kids to color on until the parents left.  As soon as she sat in her seat she told Todd and I "you can go now".  We were not really ready to go yet, as kids and parents continued to flow into the room, so we stayed awhile longer. Soon the room was filled with 23 kids and about 40 parents.  At this point, Kate was glad we stayed as there were lots of adult.  She colored and introduced herself to the kids at her table (with some prompting from me).  She seemed really excited and comfortable (although at one point she asked me to come sit by her at her seat). 

Parents lingered and lingered until Mrs. Richardson reminded everyone that there was a kindergarten parent meeting at 8:45 in the gym...then we finally left! We gave Kate hugs and kisses and told her to have a great day.  She smiled and waved at us as we left.

Todd and I did good (no tears), but Kate did better.  Definitely harder for us than her...thank goodness!  Now we can't wait to pick her up to hear all about it!!

Here she is at her table...

Another one of our neighbors, Haylee is in Kate's class!  She lives in the same house as us by the mailbox.

Backpack and lunchbox are in her cubby!

All the chaos as parent say goodbye to their kiddos (lots of crying parents)!

Waiting for the doors to open!

Now, we were not the first one's at the school, but we were some of the first.  We got to take some pictures and hang outside the school for awhile until they opened the doors at 8:25am!  Once the doors opened Kate was VERY excited to walk right in and right to her class.  She has such a good sense of direction that she took us right there!


Can we go yet??

Here she is entertaining herself between begging us to leave for Kindergarten....30 minutes before the doors opened!  :)  She was EXCITED!!


Mommy and Daddy needed to get a picture with the Kindergartener....


That is one BIG backpack!!!


1st Day of Kindergarten!!!!

Annual tradition (starting this year).....thanks Hallmark!  Even have a photo album and journal to go with the sign!

Marking Kate's first day of Kindergarten!  Love all these pictures...she is getting TOO BIG!!!


Kindergarten morning!

I got a good night sleep last night and was ready to go once I woke up!  I was really excited for school and asked MANY times...."how much longer?"!!!

Here I am after Daddy made me a yummy breakfast and I am getting ready to get ready for the day!!

Time to brush my teethe!!!