Friday, September 5, 2008

My week!!

I finally found some time to be able to sit and blog some. I have been one busy girl!! I am trying to remember where I left off...oh yeah, I remember. Last Sunday mom, dad and I met Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob out for chicken at Strouds. Dad seemed to love the place. I thought it was really cool because I got to sit in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time. I felt so big and everyone could see me and come over and tell me how cute I am (that was my favorite part, well that and spending time with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob)! Here I am in my first restaurant highchair:

Monday was Labor Day and we spent the day playing was a really fun day! I think I already told you guys, but I got my first tooth that day! I also ate my first veggies...carrots. At first I thought they were yucky. Mom and Dad stopped feeding me and put them away. A few hours later though I was ready to try them again and boy were they tasty! Not as good as Popsicles though!
I went over to Miss Lori and Mr. Aaron's house Tuesday and Wednesday and got to play with my best friend Sydney. Miss Lori is so funny and tried to videotape us all the time. Sydney and I talked and decided to play a trick on her...we would be really cute and funny and then when she would get the camera out we would stop what we were doing and just stare at her!! It drive her crazy, but boy did Sydney and I have a chuckle!!
On Wednesday Daddy had to take me back to the doctor to get my ears checked to make sure my ear infection had cleared up and it did!! Yippee!! The only bad part was that I had to get my 6 month shots! They hurt really bad and I did not feel my best the rest of that day and Thursday.
Grandma Vicki came all the way up from Pittsburg again to watch me Thursday and today. It was so nice of her and I had so much fun with her!! We played and she even gave me a foot put me right to sleep it was so good! Grandpa Dick came over a bunch too this week to give me kisses and hold me. It is so fun when he comes over because he will hold me and walk all over the house for hours!! I am one lucky kid!
I do this new trick that makes everyone clap for me... I move from my typical sitting position to a crawling position. I do not even think of crawling, but I think it is so funny how everyone gets so excited. They are suckers for a new trick! Take a look of me on this video...

I have some more BIG news....I got another tooth today! It is my bottom middle one on the left. Two teeth in one week is really a big thing I think. They hurt pretty bad so mom and dad give me ibuprofen when I get cranky. I can't help grinding my gums to try to make them feel better! The really funny thing is that I do not let anyone see these teeth...and I know they are just dying to take a look and take a picture! I play such funny games!

I am really excited because tomorrow we get to pick Grandma Fimmen up from the airport!! I have not seen her since I was just a little baby. Now I am such a big girl...I hope she will still recognize me!! She is coming to stay for a long time to watch and play with me! I can't wait!!

Well, it is way past my bedtime and I am super tired. I am going to rest for awhile, but will make sure I wake up about 3am to have mom and/or dad come in my room and hold me for the rest of the night...suckers!! I sure have them trained!


