Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving week!!!

Thanksgiving week was so much fun this year! Mommy and Daddy took off work and I got to celebrate with all 3 of my cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grama and Papa Fimmen. We had really good food, played like crazy and laughed a lot. We played hide and go seek a lot, ran around like crazy, tried on jewelry, played with Grama yips in her bathroom, took bathies, walked and had a blast! I can’t wait until Christmas time!

Chuck-E-Cheese with TOM!

We all went to Chuck-E-Cheese this week and had SO much fun! It was Tom, Meghan, Uncle Tom, Aunt Carolyn, Grama, Papa, Daddy, Mommy and me! We played lots of games and ate really good pizza there. Papa even won us some prizes…footballs! I can’t wait to go back with Tom over Christmas!

Fimmen Family Portraits

My Mom, Aunts and Grama had a great idea to take all 4 of us cousins to the portrait studio for professional pictures so we could have some of us all together and some with Grama and Papa. Boy, was it stressful for me. I love my photographer “Jason” – I even asked for him by name because I remember him from my last pictures. BUT, for some reason I get really freaked out when it is actually picture time. I would much rather be playing with the fun Lego table in the waiting area!

I think I may have messed up the pictures….hope no one is too upset! I am the only cousin who did not get pictures alone….I was crying uncontrollably by then.
