Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back seat...

As mom, Nama and I were heading out to meet the teacher night Nama went to sit in the backseat with me (like she ALWAYS does, because I ALWAYS ask her to).  I looked at her and said "Nama, can you sit in the front?  I am a kindergartner now?"

Nama was surprised, but sat in the front.  Everyone thought I was a super big girl and wondered if adults were to sit in the front Kate in back from now on (now that I am a kindergartner). 

Don't worry, they did not have to wonder for long. On the way home I asked Nama to sit in the back....just like I always do!

Freddy's...for Timber Creek Elementary!!

Mom, Dad, Nama, Papa and I all went to Freddy's for dinner after my meet the teacher day because the proceeds of the meals went to my NEW school!  It was yummy and I can't believe I am ALMOST a kindergartner!  I took this picture of mom and Nama tonight.


Meet the Teacher Night!!!

The time has finally come for me to meet my kindergarten teacher and explore my new school (Timber Creek Elementary)!  I could hardly wait all day long for this evening!

First we went to a new family meeting where we learned all about drop off and pick up of us kiddos before and after school and all sorts of things we need to know now that we are a part of this really cool school!

Then for the fun part...I found out my teacher is Mrs. Richardson and even got to meet her!  I introduced myself (mom thought I did a really good job) to Mrs. Richardson and was able to explore my new classroom.  It was so beautiful and even smelled amazing (like pumpkin candles and yumminess)!  Mrs. Richardson mentioned that mommy looked familiar and they realized they went to high school together (Courtney Paul)- really neat!  Mommy was really excited to know she knows my teacher.  We also learned that Mrs. Richardson has two kids that both go to my school (a girl in 1st grade and a boy in kindergarten)....really neat!  

In my classroom I learned where my cubby, mailbox and other cool things are!  It is an amazing classroom.  So pretty and with so many things to learn from and play with!

After we went and got all my school supplies (we had ordered a box of them from the PTA), picked up my class t shirt (kelly green), signed up for some stuff (mom is the gift basket coordinator for my class - whatever that means, and she signed up to work at field day) and even saw my friend Addison and her family.  Addison is not in my class (as she is in half day kindergarten), but we will still get to see each other some.

Then we explored the school and saw lots of amazing things - the cafeteria and where I would get lunch if I didn't bring it, the gym (and met Coach), the art room with such neat supplies, the music room (with drums and cool instruments...even acoustics on the wall and ceiling), the computer room (with HUGE screens...and lots of them), the library (with TONS of books and more computers) and even the bathrooms and super cool round sinks to wash our hands!

After tons of exploring we went back to my classroom to take all my supplies and drop them off.  Mrs. Richardson had buckets labeled for me to drop off each supply.  I really wanted to do it all by myself and had lots of fun taking each item to it's special place!

After that exciting time of meeting people and exploring, we went outside for snow cones...OUR FAVORITE!  What a cool school!

I can't wait until Thursday....2 more days!

We are the Colts!  Here I am next to the mascot!

In the cafeteria!!

I have a CUBBY!!  I share it with a boy named Wells.  Let's hope he never shows up with lice!!!

Here I am at my desk. I share it with 2 other friends (one girl and one boy).  Mrs. Richardson said we will change seats every quarter!

Kindergarten has dramatic play too....woohoo!

Look at the beautiful country view from my classroom...so neat!

Outside my classroom. Reminded Nama of the hospital waiting room when I was born.  They put my name in candy wrappers like this!

Here is my class list and a picture of my teacher.  15 girls/ 8 boys = 23 kids!  My neighbor Kylie is in my class...that is neat!

Art room!

Music class!

Computer room!

Neat library!

Enjoying my tigers blood and cherry snow cone!  Mmmmm

Thanks for coming Nama....glad you got to see everything and learn about school pick up (seems kinda tricky and long)!

Kona Ice!!!!
Kate - the ALMOST Kindergartner!!!!!!

2 days until Kindergarten...

and I already know it will ROCK!

Kindergarten haircut!!

All ready for the BIG day!  Thanks Leah!

Concert in my room!

 My room is totally awesome!  My bed is an amazing stage and my music sounds so good in it!  My microphone reaches perfectly so that I can dance all over my bed!  Last night I gave mom and dad a Taylor Swift concert (complete with glitter fedora and Taylor moves that I picked up at the concert)! My favorite Taylor moves are hand in the air and smile to the crowd AND microphone in bent arm looking up to the sky!
