Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My best friend

My mom has told my best friend is a cute little girl named Sydney Cross. She has come over a few times to play and I have played at her house too. She is 2 weeks and 1 day older than me and is the daughter of my mom's best friend Lori. Lori and mom have been best friends since they were freshman in high school and they want us to be best friends too. So far it is going well. She is not stealing my toys and is being really nice to me. I love her!

Sydney came over today and we talked a bit and held hands. Sydney loves me so much she would not let go!! I think we are going to be best friends forever!!

Tomorrow I go to Minnesota so I will not be updating my blog for a few days. But just think how much fun stuff I will have to post when I get back!
