Saturday, March 13, 2010

Number 300!!

Believe it or not, but this is the 300th Blog update you have received from me! I have been blogging since May 2008. Some months I an really busy, while others not so much. I sure hope you enjoy getting my updates as much as I love writing them! I am so excited that I will always have a year book of everything I did since I was a few months old! It is really cool!

2 year old pictures!

I just got my 2 year old pictures take yesterday and both mommy and I had so much fun (very different from the last 2 professional picture experiences)! I smiled all the time, giggled, jumped and did everything Josh asked me to! The funny thing was, I called him "Jason" the entire time and he let me! I called him Jason because Jason is who has taken my pictures the last few times. Funny thing is, I act like I love Jason but he is the one I always cried with! All I know is that we are asking for JOSH next time! Hope you enjoy the pics!

Mommy had a tea party!

The other night mommy had 12 of her neighborhood friends over for a "tea party" (or at least that is what I called it)! Daddy was out of town for work in Las Vegas, so Papa Dick came over to help mommy out by playing with me upstairs! We had so much fun playing in the playroom, watching Barney and other fun stuff! I could not help myself though and had to come downstairs to see all the people at my house! I was not shy at all and went over to everyone to say hi. I even got to sit on mommy's lap while they played Bunco! I can't wait until mommy has another tea party!