Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a busy week!

This was such a fun and bust week! Sunday G'pa Horton babysat me while mom and dad went to the Chiefs game. The game was so bad that mom and dad came home super early!! My Daddy had to travel for 3 days...I missed him so much, but he had to work! He must have missed me too because he gave me lots of kisses when he got home!
Monday night Mom met me, G'ma and G'pa Fimmen, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob at the place that the wedding reception will be at! I got to help plan some of the what everyone would eat for dinner! It was so much fun - after we all went out to dinner at Garozzo's!

Tuesday my best friend Syndey and her mom Lori and Dawnielle came over to our house for a fun girls night!! We played while the moms talked and ate pizza!

Wednesday Daddy came home from traveling and spent lots of time with me while mommy git her hair done! Thursday was a normal day with my normal routine - I played at grandma's during the day and then did our normal stuff at night! I was super sleepy though and went to bed early!!

Friday was a really fun day...Aunt Jenny and Grandma took me to what mom calls the "best thing to do in Kansas City"! We went to the Junior League holiday mart and shopped like crazy! Aunt Jenny put me in the Baby Biourne carrier and she walked with me - it was so much fun to get to watch everyone and see all the cool things! I love to shop! I even ran into Grandma Horton and mommy at the holiday mart! It was a very fun girls day!! Friday night we had a Halloween party at a neighbors house and I even got to go! I got to stay up past my bedtime and was a really good girl!
Saturday Dad, G'ma and G'pa Horton watched me all day long because mommy went shopping at the Holiday mart again (after all, it only happens once a year)! G'ma and G'pa Horton babysat me while mom and dad went out to dinner and we had so much fun!!
Today we went over to mom and dad's friends house (Rich and Randa). They have a 3 month old daughter Madeline that I got to meet - it is crazy to think I was once that little too!!
I hope this week is as fun as last week!! We go to Pittsburg on Tuesday to get family pictures taken!! I already have a bruise below my eye!!! Ever since I have been so mobile I have been falling and banging myself up all over!!! I love to crawl backwards and roll all over the place! I also like to try to climb on top of things!!! - that is usually how I get ouchy's!!!